Trader: Trump And Xi Are All That Matter Now

You're at the mercy of the Trump/ Xi Jinping pow wow now. While tumbling US auto sales dominated the tape on Monday and Tuesday in terms of giving the market a fundamental reason to be skittish, all eyes are now squarely on the Trump's first meeting with the Chinese President. Whether or not that meeting will yield anything other than a press conference and some conciliatory language on trade is doubtful, but everything - 10Y yields, USDJPY, and ultimately equities will be watching. As forme

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6 thoughts on “Trader: Trump And Xi Are All That Matter Now

  1. Headline #1: “Trump accuses China of being a currency manipulator and threatens to impose steep tariffs on Chinese imports. Stocks rally on promise of increased domestic production.”

    Headline #2: “Trump and Xi strike a conciliatory tone and promise to work toward mutually beneficial trade agreements. Markets breathe a sigh of relief and rally on increased optimism.”

    1. Fritz- You got it, Trump will do both but not at the same time. #2 will happen 1st the cordial Trump setting Xi for the wammy , then when Xi leaves Trump will #1 on him.