“Clearly, Markets Would Be Scared”: Don’t Forget About Wednesday’s “Other” Big Event

“It would be a major political shock because then Marine le Pen’s claim
that nationalism could conquer the Continent would be right,” Holger Sandte, chief European analyst at the financial group Nordea, said in a podcast. “Clearly markets would be scared.”

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“He Talks To Jared All The Time”: Is Jared Kushner Trump’s De Facto Secretary Of State?

Rex is supposed to be the Secretary of State, but if you were going by things he’s said and public appearances, you’d be forgiven for thinking he was dead. Put differently, Rex is very much unlike Frederick Douglass, who, according to the President, “has done a great job and is getting noticed more and more.”

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Happy Birthday Bull Market! (Just Don’t Forget To Read The Fine Print)

If you’re like so many ‘Sharons’, you’re still long or worse, you just recently got long along with all the other retail investors who together have dumped something on the order of $124 billion into ETFs YTD. For you, how we got here matters. That is, you need to make sure you know what you just bought into. You need to read the fine print.

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