“They’re Stealing Our Jobs!”: Populism And False Prophets
A couple of days ago, I alerted you to the rather alarming prospect of a French sovereign default.
Marine Le Pen and her far-right National Front, have proposed to take the country out of the EMU. In other words, we're staring down a potential redenomination event.
Needless to say, that would be a f*cking disaster.
Imagine that for a second. Imagine the impact on French banks. And on the ECB. And on asset managers. And on, and on.
Of course Le Pen won't tell you about any of that. She'll jus
The French still have delusions of former glory days. Their form of socials action and strong trade unions will doom them to also rans.
Sorry about spell check. Meant socialization , not social actions.
Ok, this gang of “false prophets” are trying to reshape part of the western world into what? From what? How we got here is just as important? Probably wouldn’t be here if some sanity and a lot less greed were part of these political, monetary and business systems. People ARE fed-up and watch as powerful politicians, banks, corps, all either get bailed out or rewarded when they Fuc*-up, and guess who pays for it, one way or another THEY DO. When the “worm turns” and a snake-oil salesman or woman offers a least some version of truth their are plenty of takers, for them the more uninformed the better. Many people are pissed and in most cases at this point for good reason, they have been duped and used in one way or another. When the moment comes and banks, pols, corps, all cry wolf again probably “those uninformed people” won’t listen, at least I hope they won’t. There has got to be a better solution than putting more debt on more people for more of the their future. Something has got to give and when it does a lot of people are in trouble period! So folks get a little gold and silver for a doorstop and some bitcoin for the future.
People are fed up, sure, but also very ignorant of how the modern world works. Reality does not match war their cold war age political beliefs, so they fall prey to the demagogy of the so called populist, but doing so they trade a system that works well and just needs a little tune-up, for one much worse