Yuan Heads For Best Week In More Than A Decade As China Trade Data Is Resilient

“The extremely bearish USD sentiment spilled over to the yuan market, and fixing failed to cool down bullish sentiment,” Ken Cheung, a senior currency strategist at Mizuho Bank in Hong Kong notes, adding that “heading to the weekend, risk-off sentiment due to the foundation day of North Korea also raised safe-haven demand for the yuan.”

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Trump’s Bizarre 48 Hours: DACA Flipflop, Debt Ceiling Deal, & New Bestie Schumer

And to the extent the fate of Harvey victims and markets were subjugated in his mind to his own approval ratings, the interests of his party were simply pushed aside altogether. Which apparently surprised a lot of Conservatives although I’m not sure why. Was anyone in the GOP really under the impression that Donald Trump cares one way or another about conservatism? Give me a break. 

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‘White Person To White Person: What Is Wrong With You?’

“My parents enlisted in World War II to fight fascism. They both served; my mother was a nurse, my father navigated bombers. They lost friends in that bloody war so that all the world could be free of fascism. They did not fight so that some white people could claim supremacy or that Nazis could openly walk the streets of America.”

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‘Sorry, But It’s Crazy’ – Riksbank Decision And The Policymaker Paradox

“Krona has appreciated faster than in [our] July forecast and while it’s reasonable to expect krona to appreciate due to the strong economy, it’s important that it doesn’t strengthen too rapidly,” Ingves said at the press conference, before stating the obvious as follows: “There are risks if Riksbank makes policy less expansionary before other, larger central banks.”

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ECB Leaves Everything Unchanged – Eyes Turn To Draghi

But you’ve got to think Mario Draghi isn’t looking forward to Thursday’s presser.

Although no one expected any actual change to policy rates or the APP, markets are expecting quite a lot in terms of outright jawboning, telepathy, side-eyes, winks, nods, or really anything at all to suggest that the ECB is going to try and keep a lid on euro strength and/or is prepping an exit plan from stimulus.

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The other possibility here is that by persisting in this, we’re exhausting our capacity to respond to future crises. Of course, if one waits around long enough, another crisis is bound to occur. When that happens not only will we be short on ammunition (e.g. if the next crisis started tomorrow, we’d be going into it from ZIRP/NIRP and with already bloated CB balance sheets), we’ll also be approaching it from nosebleed levels thanks largely to the fact that we never exited the state of exception instituted to cope with the previous crisis.

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Gary Cohn Not Racist Enough To Be Fed Chair, Trump To Consider Other Options

“President Donald Trump is unlikely to nominate Gary Cohn, his top economic adviser, as the next Federal Reserve chairman, indicating that he is open to considering additional names for a pick he has said he would like to make by year’s end, according to people familiar with the president’s thinking.”

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