Trader: Stocks Are “Acting Like The Last Honest Man In Town”

“Equities investors are acting like the last honest man in town. Couldn’t care less about politics, geo or domestic. And aren’t ashamed to admit it. Give ’em tax cuts and deregulation and they’re happy. Throw in repatriation holidays to fund buybacks and they’re ecstatic. Add the sovereign wealth funds and they won’t even give you a dip to buy. Earnings per share is as outdated a concept as value investing. It is what it is, until it ain’t.”

Bill Gross Has Some “Brainteasers” For You And Eventually He’ll Say Something About Markets

“Equity markets are priced for too much hope, high yield bond markets for too much growth, and all asset prices elevated to artificial levels that only a model driven, historically biased investor would believe could lead to returns resembling the past six years, or the decades predating Lehman.”

“Tweet Risk” Is Now Officially Part Of The Wall Street Lexicon

Analysts are now forced to take Trump’s tweets into account when commenting on the prospects for specific stocks. That, in turn, has led to the contention that idiosyncratic risk will almost invariably rise during Trump’s presidency. It’s thus very possible that Donald Trump could single-handedly bring about a shift in inter-market correlations.