As Dimon Shrugs Off ‘Stupid’ Bitcoin Buyers, One Bank Asks: ‘What Is A Bubble?’

“The dot com bubble had the internet. A constant theme of bubbles is the ability of speculators to shout that dreaded cry “this time it’s different.” Logical arguments against the bubble can then be disregarded as speculators declare that the doubters simply do not understand that the world has changed.”

The Only Government System That Actually Works Is The One With No Populism In Its Design

” At a time of rock-bottom confidence in public institutions, it is notable that the intelligence oversight system, a system with hardly a trace of populism in its design, actually works effectively at its core purpose: assuring the public that the intelligence community is doing its job within the law.”

The Algo Wars Are Real: Inside The Pentagon’s “Algorithmic-Warfare Team”

“The Team has been assigned to consolidate “existing algorithm-based technology initiatives related to mission areas of the Defense Intelligence Enterprise.” That remit expressly includes “all initiatives that develop, employ, or field artificial intelligence, automation, machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision algorithms.”