The Hard Truth About The Energy Crisis And Climate Change

The data docket is relatively sparse in the US this week. Housing figures, claims and Markit PMIs aren't likely to move any needles, leaving traders to parse a crowded roster of Fed speakers for potentially actionable soundbites. Or something. That's the boilerplate copy. No sense in calling it anything other than what it is. An update on the Chinese economy is doubtlessly the marquee macro event. Or at least the marquee scheduled macro event. Crucial data out Monday will validate expectations

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17 thoughts on “The Hard Truth About The Energy Crisis And Climate Change

  1. Sir, I read what you write because no one is stopping you from telling the truth. In this post you got to the heart of the truth perfectly. By the way, there is research to back up just about everything you said. Me, I’m alone, even though I have a child and a grandchild in the same place where I live I rarely hear from them and they wouldn’t agree with your truth. They think their s**t don’t stink and they get to ignore me and everyone else they don’t wish to deal with. Not too worried about that uninhabitable part of Earth we have coming because there will be far fewer people to accommodate… by the end of this century. I care about my grandson because he is bright and has the potential for an interesting life, but I wouldn’t want to be him when he’s my age. In 2088 I don’t see a world we will want to be in and Mars will not be the answer. Physics, politics, and resources preclude our dreams for that barren world.

  2. Like some random kleptocrat on a beach with a lab (poor dog) who believes that anyone who isn’t a moral reprobate must be a “liberal”. How dare “we” limit her ability for unlimited profit?

  3. Manchin not only hails from coal country, he owns a big chunk of its worst polluters. Google “manchin coal company” and read about the worst corruption since the teapot dome scandal. The way he has gotten away with using his government offices to line his pockets illustrates the root cause of our climate and economic problems.

  4. The girl with the black lab aint gonna like this column. I am curious why you chose the east coast of Florida for your escape from New York. The Southeast Coast of Florida might as well be another NYC borough. I seent 40 years working for asset management firms, mostly Wall Street companies. I moved to the New South to get away but now Wall Street is moving to my state of choice. As Alan Jackson said, it’s not as backwards as it used to be. And even if it’s still backwards, the taxes are much lower. You might wander away from Florida for a while and venture to the heartlands. In spite of what you might have heard there is hope and a belief in the future in the hinterlands lying
    between the coasts.

  5. I am always shocked when relatively intelligent people express disbelief that climate change is a problem for mankind. However, I have yet to have a conversation with someone who is thinks pollution is not a problem.
    Once again, it seems that politics is entering into what should not be a political discussion.
    All in favor of polluted air and water, raise your hand! You have just won an all expense paid visit to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (twice the size of Texas).

  6. So, the answer is staring us in the face. To save the planet that nourishes us, providing for all our needs, we have to address the elephant in the room. There are simply far too many people. For it is the ‘people’ who are the problem. It is not possible to get all of earths residents to agree to stop being polluters by choice. We could not possibly all live off the land as the Indians did. If it turns out that the corona virus did come from a lab and if it was being developed to kill off 99% of earths current inhabitants… are they just trying to save the planet for future generations? Anybody got another way to save the planet??

    1. The heavy freight of humanity this planet carries comes at a great cost. The population of my country has increased by 82% in the span of my life, threefold for the world over that time and both will continue to significantly rise. The world is less green more noise since I was small. Humans have and will continue to change the world. The fact we are increasingly hearing about and talking about the negative impact our species has is, well, better than not hearing or talking about it.

      1. Actually, demographics is a long game and many of those trends are already baked into the cake. It’s true that global population will continue to grow for a while — to about 11 billion by 2040-45 — but at that point, because fertility rates are falling to or have already fallen below replacement in most countries, it will start to decline. Most demographers think global population will be lower in 2100 than in 2040 — and might be as low as today’s 8 billion. Is that something to cheer? Probably. It is what it is, and at this point, there’s not much anyone can do about the short-term increase and the subsequent decline.

  7. I have so much to say, and there’s no point in saying any of it. It doesn’t make any difference. But I’ll say some of it. One could make a good case that the three most evil people on the face of the earth today are Mark Zuckerberg, Kristen Sinema, and Joe Manchin. They have the power to change history positively–and they choose not to, for their own selfish reasons. As for the selfishness of humans–we are clever apes, but we are not wise. Like a mouse that doesn’t perceive the danger of a snake slowly sliding towards it, too many of us are unable to perceive what we can’t see clearly with our own eyes until it is too late.

    On the plus side, I think we will gain greater insight into the nature of the Drake equation, and the Fermi paradox. It is likely that the typical value of the term L in the Drake equation, the length of time during which an advanced civilization communicates its existence through space, is probably a matter of only a few hundred years.

  8. Right now is what happens when you lower education standards for decades creating an entire populous who has no ability to discern fact from fiction. Combined with social media creating the illusion that everyone who can type characters and post videos is important and worthy of listening to, you have a society of dunces who emotionally decide their belief systems. They listen to the person who speaks to them the most and implicitly trust them as if they were somehow the equivalent to an expert in every single field. The United States society has devolved into symbolic tribalism a multi-generational effort to reverse progress to make the populous easy to control. The human species needs to undergo a severe traumatic event to reinstitute Darwinism. Technology and medicine have prevented the strongest from surviving and instead have benefited the weakest. Damaging our own biome to the point of almost being completely uninhabitable will challenge all humans to adapt to new circumstances that no technology or wealth will save them from. After a massive reduction in populous and habitable regions, humans will finally learn that they are not the gods of this planet and that respect for their biome is the only way to survive.

  9. “However, economic growth will not save the global ecosystem — just the opposite.” 🙂

    The only thing that can stop economic growth seems to be natural disasters. And they are coming. Here is what happened in 2021: and So will nature stop us before we destroy nature, and thereby ourselves? Stay tuned, we should know within the next 5-10 years.

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