No, ‘Seriously’

Donald Trump was in the news Tuesday for all the usual reasons -- plus a few more. Just before the closing bell on Wall Street, CBS said Trump is now "seriously" considering a 2024 White House run. If true, that at least means he's come around privately to the reality that belabored efforts to reverse the 2020 election will ultimately come to nothing. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday reversed a minor legal win for Trump in the state. It was just the latest in a string of losses. Rudy

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20 thoughts on “No, ‘Seriously’

    1. LOL was thinking the same thing. If he doesn’t survive the next 4 years they could always parade that baby balloon of him at rallies. It would probably get 70M votes.

  1. I hope this time is different Heisenberg, in that Biden can work with both parties, and Trump will be in jail in New York in four years. My glasses are rose colored obviously.

    1. Trump is right, he could shoot someone on Fifth Ave and not get convicted, but Scotland has jail cells that are much easier to get into.

  2. This is very disturbing. The vol-driven models don’t care, but how about the rest of us? Are you all that comfortable that the wounded walrus will not unleash revenge-driven mayhem during his last weeks in office?

  3. A bit of good news is that there has not been blood curdling news about finishing business with North Korea.

    Right now, all else being equal, and assuming the tenor of the Biden presidency is credible and all the while initiatives are blocked by the Red Senate, Trump would have to be favord to win in 2024. Let’s hope for a robust, post-COVID economic recovery and jobs.

    Our nation was abandoned by our elites. But, we still have the Fed.

    1. OTOH, what is the Fed if not an elite institution?

      It just happens to not be gangrened by R politicians…

      NB: It’s fine to be conservative ; you’re wrong about everything but it just doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. OTOH, Republican politicians aren’t conservative and they’re NOT benign.

      1. i am no Trump fan, but your characterization of the Soleimani killing is a bit unfair. Iran has been killing Americans since 1979. Soleimani himself had the blood of many American citizens and our allies on his hands. He was a legitimate military target. The world is a better place without him. And, notice how quiet Iran has been for a year?

        1. He was, in fact, a legitimate military target. However, it was still an assassination. The reason I’m so keen on driving that point home isn’t because Americans should shed any tears for Qassem, but just to make sure that people understand there is a difference. I think you (wittingly or not) captured it very well, actually. Qassem was a “military target.” That’s something different from a deranged Sunni jihadist. Indeed, Soleimani was the very last person you wanted to see through your binoculars if you were a Sunni jihadist fighting in Iraq and Syria. He was a legend. He was also a murderer. And, yes, the tactics he encouraged Hezbollah to employ were, at times, terrorist tactics. But I think your characterization of him (i.e., “military target”) is MUCH more accurate than the “terrorist” label that the administration applied in a rather transparent effort to convince an uneducated public that he was no different than the very people he fought against (i.e., Sunni extremists).

          1. I appreciate your thoughtful response. And yes, while you do not know me, my words are always purposeful. No doubt that the Administration issued propaganda by labeling him a “terrorist”. And I also agree that it was an assassination. He was clearly targeted specifically and not as collateral damage in a broader strike. It seems that we agree completely. All the best.

  4. The nation and media need to move on from the orange one, The sooner the better. He will continue to throw outlandish ideas and stories out, some with a minuscule bit of truthiness (but never truth) that makes them harder to ignore, but no one says the media has to cover these easy stories anymore. Particularly when there are so many other important issues facing the country that should be covered. If the media (and we) cannot break the addiction what we thought would be a respite will be incredibly short lived. We need a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 and for the orange one. For the orange one we already have the vaccine. It’s within us already. We just have to allow ourselves to be vaccinated.

  5. Dig if you will a picture…September 2021. The vaccine roll out has been surprisingly smooth. Once Trump’s daily chaos injections were put aside on January 20, a lot of the rancor has subsided. Realizing that those who get vaccinated can live an unrestricted life again, most of the populace has opted to get vaccinated. Disneyworld has seen record attendance this month. In fact, everything has seen record attendance. Most of the MLB games in September have been sellouts. The service economy has come roaring back. Some of the old restaurants are missed, but there are many new concepts that have sprung up into the void–when the old trees burn down, it’s tragic, but this gives room for new trees to sprout. Donald Trump’s TrumpTV, after a strong rollout in April, has seen declining ratings over the summer, although there was a blip at the time the first indictments were announced in August. This soon subsided, however, leaving Trump railing “unfair” into the ether, with few listening. Just as Don Rickles had his time in the sun, so too did Donald Trump, apparently. Dig if you will a picture…of Fonzi jumping a shark.

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