Imagined Reality

The good news is, the US government isn't going to formally shutdown. As expected, Donald Trump signed a stopgap funding bill early Thursday after the government's spending power lapsed at the stroke of midnight. The legislation keeps the government open through December 11, leaving the "serious" work to a lame-duck Congress, which may find itself operating in an exceptionally fraught environment characterized by an inconclusive, disputed presidential election result. US equities chopped aroun

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10 thoughts on “Imagined Reality

  1. The last six paragraphs of this piece are a perfect example of why Heisenberg matters. It’s not just his vast understanding of macroeconomic arcana, his consistent willingness to thoroughly consider alternative viewpoints analytically, nor his fearless incineration of the ignorant. His ability to provide real-time reality checks, quite literally for humanity, delivered with humor for effect, consistently takes the edge off (mine at least) as we collectively traverse this cosmic dumpster fire called life. I’d call it Nietzschean, but that’s probably not fair (certainly incomplete), and only underscores my own biases…

  2. Boy you are treading on some pretty deep material today, Heisenberg! If markets, companies, and securities are figments of human imagination then this blog would be a scribe to those imaginings rather than a reliable resource for realistic investment information. 🙂 But I like the reminder, corporations can be destroyed and reborn within the same month and humans who don’t own shares of that company hardly know anything happened at all. I’m of course referencing GM’s “bankruptcy”.

    The reminder is also valuable because I think all of us desperately trying to read the tea leaves of the imagined markets to grow our perceived wealth in digital currencies need a reminder that none of this is real. The digital currency, the corporations behind digital stock certificates, and the governments that influence and attempt to regulate them could cease to exist and reality would continue going on.

    To sum up, life in reality is much more important than imaginings that make us masters of our perceived and imagined environment.

    1. It can be therapeutic to be reminded that money should be viewed as a means to and end rather than the goal by which we measure our worth. I see this article as treading those waters and for that I thank you.

    1. No, everyone vote! Our Gods and leaders only exist if we believe in them. That belief is made manifest through the vote. How about more than 60% this time.

  3. We are currently living in the days of the exploitation of the imagination. It is all part of a continuum that includes religion, gold, others …

  4. So…will this generation of vaccines be able to eradicate the current mutation…or will we need another vaccine and will the virus mutate before it’s ready???

    1. Of course it will mutate. Good old flu is constantly mutating within its several mutated strains. And the cold — constant mutation. I’m 75 and my colds have been changing for decades. One reason there is no vaccine.

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