‘My Most Fervent Wish’

"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." Those were among Ruth Bader Ginsburg's final words according to a statement dictated to her granddaughter, Clara Spera, as reported by NPR in the hours after her passing on Friday evening. Suffice to say Ginsburg's wish will not be honored. Or if it is, it won't be because Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell decided of their own accord to exercise restraint at a time when the country has suffered what Nancy

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17 thoughts on “‘My Most Fervent Wish’

  1. Left wing progressives who held up their noses and didn’t support Hillary are panicking. Could McConnell’s action actually galvanize the left and help Biden by gaining more independents? What options do Dems have to stop this? Can Pelosi try to stall the budget and stimulus bills until McConnell backs down?

    1. Even the language is under siege. Trumplicans and their Republican co-conspirators labeled Democrats as Dems, so that people hear a negative term “dim,” instead of a positive democratic.

      Crazy, sad, crooked, etc., all ways to quickly label someone or something for the masses of people who refuse to see what is happening to the country, because of laziness, blind ideology, and misplaced faith.

      1. I take the email blasts from “Foreign Affairs.” On June 30th, they published a snapshot titled “How a Great Power Falls Apart” by Charles King, with subtitle “Decline Is Invisible From the Inside.”

        They republished it this morning.

  2. This throws another variable in the calculus of the markets. But which markets. This variable is a qualitative, emotional one. Probably act to the increase or decrease the second derivative of one or more other variable.

  3. “There is something profoundly disturbing about a man like Donald Trump deciding who should replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”

    So True.
    Another Reflection of America’s decline.
    A Continuation of the 2000 Supreme Court decided Election debacle; … we had a budgetary surplus then btw.
    Another Brick in the Wall.

    Timing wise there is no way they can have a vote prior to the election, lame duck session another story.
    Maybe something good will come out of this; now we only left with hope, little else.

  4. In 2016, people told me I was crazy for asserting Putin was behind the GOP. In January, people called me crazy for preparing for a global epidemic. Now they are call me crazy for forming and expatriating funds in an offshore LLC with a large initial tax hit. I hate being correct in my prognostications. I wish my market bets were as prescient.

  5. More than probable, it’s nearly guaranteed this election will end up at the Supreme Court, with electoral votes of several states possibly in dispute, mail-in paper ballots not being counted, etc. Even in the unlikely scenario in which the Republicans do not vote in a 9th justice with brute force, the swing vote would presumably be a Gorsuch-Roberts coalition. Not very promising for the Democrats chances of “winning”. Alternatively, imagine a hung election followed by a hung 4-4 Court. I presume in that scenario that Roberts would go w the conservatives, to keep up the presences of stability and theatrics of democracy.

      1. I’m aware. That’s why he isn’t likely to vote w the liberals unless he pulls in Gorsuch to go along with it. I’m putting a close to 0% probably on Thomas, Alito, and Kavanaugh (when have they ever?). Roberts is an institutionalist and isn’t likely to hang the institution out to dry on his watch. One can imagine him rationalizing it as “preserving the republic”. So the form can continue to outlive the substance. Ceremony posited as functionality.

  6. As a Canadian, I constantly shake my head at the dis-function of the US. RBG was more than a hero. The constitution guarantees equal rights, yet she and others have had to constantly battle to make it real. Why is this such a big deal? Why is everything politicized? Get over yourselves. Treat people fairly and with respect. Value education. So much potential is wasted every day. You will get the country you choose to have.

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