Analyst Warns Of ‘Fort Sumter Moment’ After Trump’s Friday TikTok, WeChat Ambush

Some analysts are already warning that the Commerce department's Friday morning broadside against WeChat and TikTok could trigger retaliatory action from China. While it's not wholly surprising that the Trump administration is keen to prove that the mercurial US president's executive orders are worth more than the paper they're written on, the timing of Friday's escalations is clearly aimed at turning the screws on all parties to the TikTok drama, especially Beijing. When considered in conjunc

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6 thoughts on “Analyst Warns Of ‘Fort Sumter Moment’ After Trump’s Friday TikTok, WeChat Ambush

  1. “Xi may be content to hold fire … on the assumption that Joe Biden will prevail” but what will they do if they really want him to prevail? “If something goes awry leading to a market selloff, that wouldn’t look good for Trump in the weeks leading up to the election.”

  2. I’m still not convinced that Xi wants Trump leaving office. I wish he would, as that would reflect greater mind, character, and spirit. I guess we’ll see over the next several weeks.

    1. Agreed, the shunning of alliances and instability created by Trump creates a fragmented world which China can use to their advantage. Trump might be able to land a couple body blows by using tariffs to push supply chains out of China and blocking their tech products, but ultimately, it might give Chinese authorities the wedge they need to encourage their own form of nationalism. I’m not an expert on Chinese culture, but will those Apple products still be desirable to Chinese consumers if they see the US administration picking on the crown jewels of the Chinese tech industry? Xi can play the long game. Unfortunately, our political system seemingly precludes long-term thinking.

  3. Xi’s vision of the future encompasses 50 years, while Trump’s cannot manage 50 seconds. Patience is in Xi’s blood.

    Chinese culture extends back thousands of years, it’s current determination and mindset relying not only on a vast history but also in the confidence that it is THE superior culture of all time. “The greatest.” But without red hats.

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