Objects In Motion

An object in motion tends to stay in motion, which is why the dollar continued to sink on Monday, hitting the lowest since 2018. Gold, meanwhile, trekked higher still, much to the delight of the debasement crowd and a bespectacled cartoon duck. While the latter enjoys swimming in physical coins, retail investors generally prefer the paper variety, and on that score, it's worth noting that short interest on GLD is sitting near a decade nadir. The dollar's slide and gold's dramatic run are a ver

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5 thoughts on “Objects In Motion

  1. Interesting how the Covid infection rates abate in the trouble states less than two weeks after the Trump Syndicate took over control of the data.

    It looks like the virus will “magically” go away as promised. Turns out we didn’t need hydroxychloroquine or Remdesivir, just a few more corrupt sprinkles of that Trump Seasoning Mix.

    1. well, some of them are standing. but usage has plummeted since the peak in May — stress in dollar funding markets had dissipated before dollar weakness set in in earnest.

  2. Every city has news reporters watching it’s hospitals. The mayors are watching. The Governors are watching. So the world is watching. lying about the numbers and the deaths will be found out and made bare. Too many people know the truth and/or are digging for it.

    1. Corollary: And hopefully not too many people will rely on the U.S. postal service to obtain the truth, or they’ll be waiting until next year to get it, if at all…