Net Supply Of Safe-Haven Bonds Set For First Drop In 4 Years As CBs Fire Up Presses

One of the defining features of "peak QE" was the extent to which central banks managed to drive the net supply of safe-haven and pseudo-safe-haven assets into negative territory. That was, of course, by design. Central banks engineered a shortage, driving down yields and pushing investors out the risk curve and down the quality ladder. This reached the height of its effectiveness during the 2017 low vol. bubble. "It appears the central banks’ asset buying programs have stabilized markets

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One thought on “Net Supply Of Safe-Haven Bonds Set For First Drop In 4 Years As CBs Fire Up Presses

  1. I suspect this post raises what the author perhaps intended to become (a bit ) of a philosophical question … The objective criteria have been muted into a subjective format by the simple fact we have entered the realm of uncharted waters…. Maybe History can guide…maybe not !! ??

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