Embassy Incident, Kataib Hezbollah Strikes Are Latest Episode In America’s Cat-And-Mouse Game With Iran’s Soleimani
"Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will", Donald Trump said, in a Tuesday morning tweet.
He continued: "Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the US Embassy in Iraq".
This is "fact-teller Trump", an amusing variant that makes a cameo every now and again, usually after the president has managed to determine cause and effect as it relates to some matter of foreign policy.
Trump went on to
Well at least we know who the cat is as well as the mouse. You have to wonder what Putin will tell the mouse to do.
Putin and Soleimani are on the same page …This is not an ego game between the two of them……It works that way in that business upon occasion…..
yeah, there’s mutual respect there. they are allies.
not sure if the mouse reference was made with regard to Trump?
another great article btw, thanks a lot!