Kellyanne Conway Accidentally Throws Cold Water On Trade Deal With Errant Fox & Friends Remarks

Apparently, Larry Kudlow wasn't available to don one of his famous Gordon Gekko costumes and make the TV rounds on Tuesday, so instead, Kellyanne Conway showed up on Fox & Friends to talk shop. Conway's ghostly visage materialized before the opening bell on Wall Street and her comments on the China trade deal left something to be desired, especially on the heels of what the market interpreted as marginally positive remarks out of the Chinese Commerce ministry overnight. "We continue to neg

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3 thoughts on “Kellyanne Conway Accidentally Throws Cold Water On Trade Deal With Errant Fox & Friends Remarks

  1. I see in a few headlines, the gross witch is defending trump’s sanction of war crimes — not a surprise that evangelical hate has spilled into military law:

    ==> Like most favors Trump doles out, there’s an expectation of one in return. Late on Monday, the Daily Beast reported that President Trump wants to invite the accused and convicted war criminals he has pardoned onto the 2020 campaign trail – though it’s likely that the favor expected will be more of an honor bestowed. “I want to say thank you to President Trump,” Clint Lorrance said after he was released in November, after serving six years of a 20-year sentence. “And I want the rest of the country to do that, too.”