House Votes To Sanction Turkey For Syria Massacre, Recognize Armenian Genocide In Sweeping Bipartisan Rebuke Of Trump Leniency

Less than a week after Donald Trump lifted punitive measures imposed on Turkey in the wake of Recep Tayyip Erdogan's deadly cross-border incursion into northeast Syria that killed hundreds of America's former Kurdish allies and left some 200,000 people displaced, the House has voted to sanction Ankara for the offensive. The vote was 403-16, a resounding message to Erdogan that while the White House may be willing to largely overlook the mini-genocide, Congress is not. Since Trump effectively g

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4 thoughts on “House Votes To Sanction Turkey For Syria Massacre, Recognize Armenian Genocide In Sweeping Bipartisan Rebuke Of Trump Leniency

  1. “requires the State department to prepare a detailed assessment of Erdogan’s net worth and income, and that of his family members.”
    The above statement is the most crucial point to display to the world and most importantly to the Turkish people that their president is”a crook” and must be held accountable for his crimes.

  2. This is a warm up for the impeachment with the majority of the Senate tuned-into the fox cartoon newscast, where they all seem hell-bent on being loyal to anything Killer Don wants — they all have supreme fidelity, allegiance and respect for the prior game show host, while honoring each and every step their gangster boy takes in his efforts to destroy America — MAGA — taking the Senate out of the Congressional equation and placing nazi-like fascism above the US Constitution. It is fitting that each GOP member of the Senate wear a MAGA hat as they ignore the American people — are American so stupid that they’ll stand for this and not vote and not protest against these pigs?

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