Argentina Has A Century Bond, Why Not Us?, Is What Treasury Wants To Know

The US Treasury wants to "refresh its understanding of market appetite" for bonds maturing long after current market participants have "retired" to the actual grave. After a week that saw 30-year yields in the US plunge below 2% for the first time amid an insatiable bid for duration that swept across global bond markets, Treasury thinks now might be as good a time as any to sound out folks on a possible 50-year tenor and, for good measure, a century bond. There's been "no decision on whether t

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One thought on “Argentina Has A Century Bond, Why Not Us?, Is What Treasury Wants To Know

  1. Sorry Steve, piss off with your dumbass thoughts on ultra long treasuries

    May 3, 2017

    Letter to the Secretary

    Report to the Secretary of the Treasury from the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association

    he Committee concluded that the financing gap faced by Treasury in coming years is likely to be too large to address with a heavy concentration of front-end issuance. Such a policy would also imply an undesirable decline in the WAM (weighted average maturity) in response to Fed run-off and higher deficits.

    The Committee discussion highlighted that it is simply not a viable strategy to accommodate the magnitude of the potential additional issuance using only front-end instruments. The Fed run-off and potentially higher deficits represent meaningful challenges that would require a sustained shift in borrowing needs to be spread across the curve.

    .. The third member then turned to potential issuance mechanics. Emphasis was placed on the Treasury’s debt management goal to be regular and predictable. In that regard, a Committee participant’s survey of market participants did not expect meaningful ultra-long supply. Recent research from the primary dealers in response to Treasury’s outreach questioned whether demand would be significant enough or sustainable to meet Treasury’s regular and predictable issuance pattern.