4 Reasons Why One Bank Thinks A ‘Quick, Major Comeback’ For Stocks Is Unlikely

On Friday, we spent quite a bit of time discussing the extent to which August has proven that "bad news is good news" has its limits in terms of being a viable trading philosophy. To a point, worsening economic data and trade frictions can be bullish for risk assets if the market believes central banks will respond by doubling down on accommodation and keeping the liquidity spigots open. That allows bonds and risk to rally simultaneously, and creates the conditions for the "everything" rally th

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One thought on “4 Reasons Why One Bank Thinks A ‘Quick, Major Comeback’ For Stocks Is Unlikely

  1. The PBoC letting the yuan move over 7 and then reigning it in was a ‘shot across the bow’ to signal they could do much more if Trump goads them from their stoic reticence to punish their beligerant trading partner