Albert Edwards: Trump ‘Will Take The Global Currency War To A Whole New Level’

"While direct [FX} intervention is no longer in vogue, central banks have increasingly become more proactive in their use of balance sheet tools, and it is not a giant leap from there to intervention", Goldman wrote Thursday, in a note that found the bank joining the chorus of those warning that the Trump administration may soon resort to outright, active FX intervention to weaken the dollar. As we've put it previously, competitive easing, trade wars and currency wars are inherently related and

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4 thoughts on “Albert Edwards: Trump ‘Will Take The Global Currency War To A Whole New Level’

  1. Out of control spending, deficits, and debts. Increased taxes on three-fifths of Americans. Tariffs. Redirecting companies’ supply lines and export markets. Manipulating the energy market. Blacklisting. Jawboning company practices via social media. Loss of Central Bank independence. Currency manipulation. If the Republicans get anymore free market, we may yet get Venezuela-style Socialism.

  2. If Harvey’s comment is RIGHT ON and I think it is I can’t ever seem to understand why we as a Nation do not take this seriously and come up with solutions other than ideas from the extremes… Where are the Statesmen when you need them….