Keep Rick Santelli In Your Prayers. He’s ‘Really Depressed’ That Everyone Thinks Judy Shelton Is A Joke

Shortly after Larry Kudlow and Peter Navarro tag-teamed the traditional NFP Friday propaganda blitz, Judy Shelton showed up on CNBC to chat with Rick Santelli about nations pegging their currencies to a convertible gold-backed bond. In other words, if you were wondering whether things might take a welcome turn for the serious (and away from cartoon land) now that Stephen Moore and Herman Cain are no longer up for Fed board seats, the answer is: Judy Shelton talking to Rick Santelli about a retu

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10 thoughts on “Keep Rick Santelli In Your Prayers. He’s ‘Really Depressed’ That Everyone Thinks Judy Shelton Is A Joke

  1. Lets attach the currency to proven agricultural assets. After all, you can’t eat gold and we have an Emminent Domain president.

  2. To do her some justice, Does not the concept of “negative” interest rates fly in the face of recorded economic history?

    1. well, again, i guess the question is: If she’s so damn concerned about this, then why is she on TV arguing for rate cuts when the economy is still holding up? if you were worried about NIRP and ZIRP during a downturn, then you should be absolutely aghast at the idea of rate cuts when things are going well, but she’s not. and the reason is that she’s another sycophant. and anybody who is willing to sell their soul like that can’t be taken seriously

      1. Yes, thank you. My eyes were crossing in confusion listening to her contradictory statements. But, gosh, you have to admire her very original crop metaphor.

  3. Shelton : “The greatest economist, the one for whom I have the most respect, is Robert Mundell.”
    “Mundell, Laffer – these are the heroes of the supply-side revolution.”

    And the next cartoon will be….

  4. I’ll repeat a point I made earlier when the pizza guy and a cable pundit were floated. It doesn’t matter who Trump picks. At all.

    There is a spectrum of people Trump could nominate. On one end, he could nominate a clown-shoe wearing economic illiterate supply-sider who wants to bring back tally sticks who will vote to cut rates in line with Trump’s wishes and re-ignite QE. On the other, he could nominate a University of Chicago PhD Nobel laureate feted from lower Manhattan to the Washington Beltway who would also vote to cut rates in line with Trump’s wishes and re-ignite QE. He will either get his idiot, or someone who will pretend to be an idiot to have the honor of having the power to do what Trump wants.

    1. Team Trump hit a perfecta with “Dr. Judy”: an idiot happy to pretend to be an even bigger idiot to have the honor of doing what Trump wants.

  5. “anybody who is willing to sell their soul like that can’t be taken seriously” and anyone who takes her seriously can’t be taken seriously…

    Totally agree with “Team Trump hit a perfecta with “Dr. Judy”: an idiot happy to pretend to be an even bigger idiot to have the honor of doing what Trump wants” and anyone who can’t see that is also an idiot whereas anyone who cheerleads for No Judgement Judy is also an idiot happy to pretend to be an even bigger idiot to have the honour of doing what Trump wants

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