FOCMO And ‘The Art Of The Threat’
If you're wondering what the mood is among investors and asset managers in South Korea, the answer is that it's the same as the mood everywhere else in the world - or at least that's the impression SocGen's Head of Global Asset Allocation and Equity Strategy, Alain Bokobza, got during his trip to Seoul, the first stop on 10-day jaunt through Asia.
"It’s all about FOCMO, or to spell it out Fear of Continuing to Miss Out", he writes, in a "postcard" dated Monday.
"After a breathtakingly good f
If you interchange FOCMO with TINA than we have progressed nowhere over the last 3 years.. The same can be said for the position of the economy and the status of US China trade before and after the so called trade war.. Still misallocation of capital, high debt levels and a drift lower via low growth levels prevail..Tough being analyst these days do to the circular trajectory of events…