Adam Schiff Wants To Know If Everybody Has Completely Lost Their Minds

Early Thursday, after Donald Trump called on Adam Schiff to resign, we delivered the following assessment of what we believe is likely to become an extremely tenuous situation for the House Intelligence Chairman: Can Trump actually force Schiff out? Two weeks ago that would have been a laughable question. But now, who knows. As a reminder, the Trump campaign’s communications director sent out an advisory “memo” earlier this week addressed to “television producersâ�

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10 thoughts on “Adam Schiff Wants To Know If Everybody Has Completely Lost Their Minds

    1. You know what? I don’t accept it. It’s always about money, and I don’t think corporations will be willing to endorse the decline into authoritarianism. Like Trump’s stupidity on climate change. If only the Dems weren’t talking about breaking up the big tech firms, I think they’d have the backing they need to expunge this BS. Then, ironically, they could proceed with an antitrust campaign, but honestly, the US has bigger problems right now.

  1. Schiff is coming across as a neo -McCarthy without the rhetorical flourishes.He exemplifies Democrats who can not accept Hillary’s loss and who can not accept that the Mueller report found no Russian collusion.
    The only way for Schiff to be removed is if Nancy Polosii determines that he is a political liability.
    I am sick and tired of all the lies coming from both sides.assasnn

    1. Wow Rcohn, despite having it all very succinctly laid out for you right there in the clip, you fail to see the problem. Well Rcohn, you are part of the problem.

  2. Everyday the ‘Donald’ is in office the United States government slips a little further from being a beacon of truth and justice to the world and it’s own people. I blame the republican Party for not cleaning it’s own nest. Lincoln, Roosevelt and Eisenhower must be rolling in their graves.

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