‘The Salamander’s Tail (Risk) Has Regenerated!’, One Bank Literally Shouts

"Way" back on Monday, we brought you some short excerpts from a March 18 note penned by BofAML's Ritesh Samadhiya and Ajay Kapur, who weighed in on deflationary dynamics and the prospect that we are currently witnessing "peak plutonomy, peak polarization, and potentially peak oligopoly". If that is indeed the case, Samadhiya and Kapur believe the world could be headed down the road to "more unorthodox potential solutions being offered". Those "unorthodox solutions" may include sky-high tax rate

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2 thoughts on “‘The Salamander’s Tail (Risk) Has Regenerated!’, One Bank Literally Shouts

  1. This will only resolve itself when we agree to starting wiping the inter-agency balance between CB’s and Gov’t Treasuries. Japan will be the test case, only a matter of time. Until then, no inflation.