Ocasio-Cortez Is Right – The ‘Meh’ Is Worshipped Now, And Nancy Pelosi’s WaPo Interview Proves It

Well, American politics hit a new low on Monday. I wasn't going to write this up, but ultimately, it seems relevant in light of stinging comments Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez delivered at South by Southwest over the weekend. While AOC's "irredeemable" characterization of capitalism grabbed all the headlines on Saturday, it was her scathing indictment of cynicism and political apathy that was perhaps even more germane in the current environment. For those who missed it, here is the clip: [wpvideo

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11 thoughts on “Ocasio-Cortez Is Right – The ‘Meh’ Is Worshipped Now, And Nancy Pelosi’s WaPo Interview Proves It

  1. If this wasn’t worth writing about I guess this comment is equally worthless..My point being that air we breath and water we drink is irrelevant when this country is off on a tangent to create world chaos if not WWIII. So Nancy waste, your comment on what matters and is willfully ignored and ‘ll do the same . H… thanks for the opportunity to say my piece…..

    1. No, I mean, I think it’s definitely worth writing about. I just try to pick and choose when I’m the right person to do it.

      i.e., I don’t like to just parrot other people’s headlines, but there was a good hook here with AOC’s SXSW comments and I think it’s an important subject — plus, not everyone reads WaPo, so entirely possible those excerpts would have been lost on some readers, especially folks who would rather not read an entire interview with Nancy. lol

  2. How is it possible that Pelosi does not know how divided this country already is? And getting more so every day with his constant insane behavior.

    She is a very smart woman, she must know that publicly threatening trump would further his rage and vengeful actions. Perhaps coaxing him into thinking the Dems are not after him, he will be calmer. This would allow a bit of time for Mueller’s report to come out and if indeed he has criminal action documented, (how could it not have that) it would pull some of those Repubs over to voting in favor of impeachment, making it quicker and easier to get him out of the oval office. What choice would they have? If they do not support impeachment they would most certainly be in violation of their duty to support and protect the constitution – they don’t have the option to ignore criminal behavior. I bet many of them are just waiting for that opportunity; they are not all criminally motivated!

    Bottom line is Pelosi is not in favor of trump remaining as President and she is planning the safest and quickest, most effective method with the least damage to America, to get it done.

    1. Murphy, I was thinking the same. She is smarter than the entire Trump Family combined. Plus she has decades of experience in the political arena. This is “strategery” in my opinion. The caveat “unless there is something so compelling and overwhelming” is key. She does not want to alienate moderate republicans (I still believe they exist!) by frontrunning the impeachment screamers.
      I don’t know, maybe this is only wishful thinking. Otherwise, if “meh” really was her attitude, Heisenberg would be perfectly right. That would be just sad. And pathetic.

      1. I do think that AOC and Heis are correct about the meh attitude across this country. It had a lot to do with this prick getting into office and it certainly has not helped shut down the racist bigots who have taken the opportunity to ‘come out’, loud and proud. We seem to be somewhat shocked into silence.

        However, I also feel that this historical mess has now drawn the full attention of some former meh sayers! We all need to pay attention to our elected politicians, check them out before you vote them into a governing position and speak up when they are not performing their duty. A whole new attitude towards loud and proud and no more meh!

  3. Smart move on Nancy’s part. The “real” republicans are still waiting on a Trump replacement. If Trump goes, before the election, Pence will be the president and there is no way a divided Democratic party will win then. If winning is the objective, it’s best to leave Trump in place and let him define the terms of his own defeat.

    1. Great food for thought. I want him gone, and I dislike Pence immensely. Modern republicans need modifications in my opinion, not runways. Yeah, that gives me pause toward my impeachment desire.

    1. Pelosi knows trump well and she sees his ego and he will think that he has the better hand — he is that stupid, even Putin used it. And when trump is removed, perhaps before 2020, the Repubs have no respect for Pence and they are not afraid of him – they will dump his ass.

  4. I’m no defender of the Speaker, yet it does not mean she is off base.

    But what if her entire strategy or main point could not be voiced expressly? What if she believed she’d rather see a damaged Trump as the 2020 opponent than a senate-UNconvicted opponent that would embolden his base and those in the middle who would see it as an impeachment acquittal, presidential harassment and “bullshit” and no collusion and help him win in 2020? ……

    And, she asks, what if you proceed without impeaching him thus penting up within the “normal body politic” another 20 months of unadulterated hate, anger, disdain, etc., for Trump only to be unleashed Tuesday, November 3 2020, we will have not another 2018 tsunami blue wave but a grand mal-tsunami-blue wave?

    However, if, as she says, “there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan,”* in the evidence, well that’s another story worth the risk …..

    Now that’s a good game of chess – not a concept or a bold philosophy – leaving the game board open for every day changes, which might “certainly infuriate the far-left wing of the party” and openly stating as speaker of the house, that trump is ” ethically unfit. Intellectually unfit. Curiosity-wise unfit. No, I don’t think he’s fit to be president of the United States.” It’s not her fault that the Republicans want a president that fits that profile. Moreover and importantly she is assiduously aware how impeachment can backfire: https://www.nytimes.com/1998/12/21/us/impeachment-polls-public-support-for-president-for-closure-emerges-unshaken.html http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1998/12/20/impeachment.poll/


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