Draft Of Democratic Border Proposal Surfaces: There Is No Wall Money

Now we know why Donald Trump spent Thursday morning ranting and raving on Twitter about his wall. For those fortunate enough to have missed or otherwise ignored the President's wild social media tirade, just note that he seems particularly perturbed today. At one point, he told Republicans on the Homeland Security Committee that they're "wasting their time." Read more Trump Demands You ‘Stop Playing Games’ With Him, Insists You ‘Call Walls Walls’ (No More ‘Wheels’, No More ‘Peac

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One thought on “Draft Of Democratic Border Proposal Surfaces: There Is No Wall Money

  1. So I reviewed the first 3 pages of the Demo Border proposal. Last 3 pages appear unrelated to the “wall” and too wonkish for me. In summary the Demos are offering about $3 billion in increases over FY18 ($1.9 billion for Customs and Border Protection, $110 million for ICE, $354m for TSA and $555m for Coast Guard). Sounds good.

    Alas, bullet point 2 at the top of page 2 probably has a negotiating killer. Five specific wall segments are specifically PROHIBITED from being funded. I assume these walls have something to do with Trump’s $5.7B request.

    So when are us citizens going to demand that this security/wall craziness be turned over to the experts: engineers, Border Patrol, high tech, etc.?

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