David Stockman: ‘The Trump Tariffs Will Send Economic Harm Cascading Downstream’

“Needless to say, the Donald’s un-varnished, un-vetted and un-shackled thoughts whims on most any topic are a thing of considerable disruptive potential. But when it comes to trade, his mind beats to the sound of a drummer not from this world or even possibly the next.”

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Man Who Operates On Brains Fails To Recognize Terrible Optics Of Spending $165,000 On ‘Lounge Furniture’

“While Carson believes that America’s taxpayers ought to give him $196,000 to decorate his “suite,” he believes firmly that the poor should be as uncomfortable as humanly possible. You know, to motivate them.”

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David Stockman Presents: The Truman Show

“The younger of the anchors (age 32) thought the $1.8 trillion was not a problem because the soaring debt and the Fed’s balance sheet shrinkage plan have been well telegraphed and will shock no one. Yes, and as we were tempted to reply, parking on a rail crossing and knowing that a freight train is barreling down the tracks is not likely to forestall the carnage.”

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