‘Suicide From The Ambush’: A Post-Mortem Of Thursday’s Midday Bloodbath On Wall Street
In what was either an example of Trump the reality TV show host trying to figuratively assassinate Trump the President, or else just more evidence that the man in the Oval Office is a stark, raving lunatic, the commander in chief on Thursday refused to sign the initial bill Congress prepared to avert a Christmas shutdown.
Following what he feebly attempted to spin as a "productive" meeting with Trump, Paul Ryan said this to reporters on Thursday afternoon:
"We urgen
Now all the GOP has to do is convince all of the outgoing republican house members, may of whom Trump mocked after their losses, to fly back to D.C. instead of staying home and spending the holidays with their families.
I’m sure Mia Love is going to be on the next flight out of Utah to get Trump his stupid wall.
It’s time to stop buying bank reserves and instead buy main street jobs. Go inflation, go wages, go Trump!
Looks like the House managed to pass a version of the bill that included wall funding. Guess we get to look forward to another showdown in the Senate tomorrow.
Needs 60 votes to pass in the Senate. Might, might get one vote from the Dems. House bill is DOA. Hello, shutdown.
Is there a way off this ride, or are those the Visigoths I see over the hill?
I really wish they would have televised Paul Ryan and crew’s meeting with Trump…..
Come, come now folks you are just nattering nabobs! Rush and the drag queen have a solid plan and it’s been conveyed. Nothing to worry about here, move along now. Pres.Wattles is just having some fun. Whether it be at your expense, mine or another’s, it is of small consequence in Le Grande scheme.