‘Boof’ Isn’t Flatulence And ‘Devil’s Triangle’ Is Not A Game’: Whitehouse On Kavanaugh Yearbook

During Thursday's wild testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Brett  Kavanaugh was at pains to explain his 1983 high school yearbook entry. The entry, shown below, contains thinly-veiled references to drinking and, of course, sex. To be sure, there's nothing unusual about high schoolers talking about drinking and sex. What is disconcerting (if not unusual, given the picture we're now getting of Kavanaugh) is the idea that, decades later, a Supreme Court nominee would tell bald-

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8 thoughts on “‘Boof’ Isn’t Flatulence And ‘Devil’s Triangle’ Is Not A Game’: Whitehouse On Kavanaugh Yearbook

  1. I watched every minute from 8:45am to 6pm yesterday and am watching again today. I am beyond furious.

    I had already done my homework before it even came up in the hearing and when it was asked about Boofing and he gave his farting explanation, I shook my head with a chuckle knowing he was lying and then immediately was outraged because he wasn’t even challenged by anyone nor was it brought up again.

    All to say they let that lying bastard get away with his “responses” including the ones that were not even a response to a question and instead was some attack on the entire process or how horrible it was for him or worse, some snotty retort — has he ever passed out from drinking and his response was “have you?”. And they let him get away with that without admonishment?

    That entire hearing was a joke. Those republican senators committed a crime against the United States. This entire performance has been produced and directed by the ass in the oval office. The give-away on that was when the lying bastard kavanaugh spewed that all the lies and assault on his spotless reputation was spurred by the revenge of the Clinton’s against trump. oh, please!

    I would really love to see Dr Ford file charges against him in Maryland – then let’s see what is discovered in a real investigation when they interview all his friends and associates that have already made comments that were not part of that circus yesterday. And his poor little buddy Mark Judge and his pathetic “poor me” excuse that lowlife Cruz threw into the mix! He has only himself to blame and Kavanaugh gets to milk it to the max to keep him away from testimony!

    Yes, the entire performance is a well-planned crime against the United States.

  2. “In a surprise turnaround, Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) today joined Democrats in calling for a one-week delay in voting on the Senate floor on President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, to allow for an FBI investigation into the sexual assault allegations against him.” — LA Times, 28 September

    Surprise, indeed, I never saw that coming. Someone must have really pissed off Flake on his side of the aisle… or maybe he is a really careful, thoughtful person.

    1. I was watching when it all happened! A flurry of confusion for a few minutes and I held my breath! There was a series of events you will most likely see on the news and Flake came back into the meeting and made a statement that he wanted a week’s time to allow FBI investigation as a step in healing the separation and anger. Other’s joined in fairly quickly. Much confusion, then suddenly their 2 hour window closed and Grassley adjourned the meeting and people were freaking out — they had no idea what the hell just happened. It took some time to get it all explained and YES, unless the ass in the oval office interferes, there will be an investigation. And the most recent “breaking news” is Mark Judge has agreed to meet with the FBI to talk about his ol’ buddy. haha!

  3. You are wrong… “DEVILS TRIANGLE” sometimes referred to as Bermuda Triangle is a
    drinking game using 3 soho cups… played similar to beer pong or quarters. It is not easy to find with the obvious search engines being flooded with “Kavanaugh”… it you do some reverse research… it is there!

    1. lol — you don’t even get an ‘A for effort’ for that crap. He is a disgusting lying pig. The bread crumbs of his life leave a trail of evidence.

  4. Maybe 100 entries at Google to read if you want to check it out Mr. Anonymous et al:



    This link has the truths about his other definitions:


    and if you read enough of all offered, it sure appears some deceitful republicon made some alterations to wiki — the trace on who/where the change was made is built into the wiki system. 😜

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