ECB Sticks With ‘At Least Through Summer 2019’ Rates Guidance

The ECB kept everything unchanged on Thursday, as expected. That includes the following line that became the subject of intense market focus when it was added back in June: The Governing Council expects the key ECB interest rates to remain at their present levels at least through the summer of 2019, and in any case for as long as necessary to ensure the continued sustained convergence of inflation to levels that are below, but close to, 2% over the medium term. That's state-and-date dependent

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One thought on “ECB Sticks With ‘At Least Through Summer 2019’ Rates Guidance

  1. So smoke and mirrors, duct tape, some haggling and ‘wal-la’ the ECB props this weakening pile of shit up again. Super Mario is holding back the tide for now, again. Nobody wants tell the public the truth, “NO MORE HEROIN, the party is over”. The longer they delay the worst it’s going to be for the “sheeple public”.

    Last time, folks you can’t print your way to prosperity. The credit card bill can only be refinanced so many times before the interest kills you. We are there and the market will eventually go to what it’s true value is, DEBT of course and plenty of it. So keep buying, borrowing, as long as you can the jig is about up.

    The boys are waiting on the sidelines as the sheeple once again will be roasted on the pit of this bloated longest ever theft of a market.