Trump Calls FBI Raid On Lawyer ‘Disgraceful’, Cohen Being Investigated For Bank Fraud, Campaign Violations

Well, more details have emerged with regard to Monday’s FBI raid on the offices of Trump private lawyer Michael Cohen.

As documented here earlier, agents reportedly seized emails, tax documents and other business records in the raid and yes, some of the records include communications between Trump and Cohen.

This is related to Mueller. According to Cohen’s own lawyer Stephen Ryan, the New York action came after “a referral by the Office of Special Counsel.”


The Washington Post reminds you that under DoJ regulations, Mueller “is required to consult with Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein if his team finds information worth investigating that does not fall under his mandate.” It’s then left to Rosenstein (who Trump threw under the bus following the Nunes memo boondoggle earlier this year) to determine “whether to expand Mueller’s mandate to include the new topic or to refer it to a U.S. attorney’s office.”

According to WaPo, who has since updated their original post on this, Cohen “is being investigated for possible bank fraud and campaign finance violations.”

Meanwhile, Trump is obviously concerned and as one does when one’s personal attorney has just been raided by the FBI, he decided to take the prudent approach and just keep his mouth shut pending further information….

I’m just kidding.

He immediately called it “disgraceful” and implicitly blamed Jeff Sessions again.


Quick! Someone get this man a lawyer before he incriminates himself any further!

Oh… wait….

Look at Pence and Bolton – it’s hard to say what’s running through their minds, but it looks like our vaunted VP might be praying while John Bolton looks like he’s already regretting things and John is a man who doesn’t regret shit….


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4 thoughts on “Trump Calls FBI Raid On Lawyer ‘Disgraceful’, Cohen Being Investigated For Bank Fraud, Campaign Violations

  1. His mind is turning to mush and his capacity to deal with all these investigations are overwhelming him. What’s really happenning is the major threat that arrived to Manhattan’s soil today. It awakened his fear that the New York AG and Manhattan DA could easily exercise their jurisdiction over Cohen, Trump and his family all of which means the pardon power is useless. That scares the crap out of him. And that’s why he sounded like he fell off his rocker today.

    “They found nothing,” are my favorite three words in Destructo’s lexicon, next to “there’s no kolution. no kolution.”

    Absence of creativity is evidence of no creativity.

    In the fight between the entire Department of Justice, it’s 93 United States Attorneys and the FBI’s 35,000 employees to include special agents and support professionals such as intelligence analysts, language specialists, scientists, and information technology specialists, Trump will lose because he is a Grade A Moron and those he surrounds himself with are sand box players.

  2. Our “Liar in Chief” looks like he needs to take a dump and can’t. The feds are very good, DO NOT forget and will bury this fool and his crime family. Amen.

  3. When it becomes clear that Trump knew and approved of the hush money to his partner in adultery, he will lie, bluster, and dig himself into a deeper hole. The sum total of these mini-scandals will sink him.

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