Trump: I’m Creating ‘Powerful Nuclear Force’ And ‘Praise Be To God’ I Don’t Have To Use It

Jesus Christ on a bike.

Donald Trump, in a press conference ostensibly convened so he could explain himself after he jumped on Twitter this morning and threatened to veto a $1.3 trillion spending bill that Congress has spent this week trying desperately to pass in order to avoid (another) government shutdown, went line by line and delivered his rambling take on America’s planes, tanks, choppers, submarines, and nuclear weapons.

Clearly, the President is thrilled about the additional military spending in the bill and in fact, he essentially claimed that the only reason he’s signing it is because it’s critical for national defense.


He repeated his claim that Democrats are against the military (or just “military” – he doesn’t like to use “the”) and he also parroted the absurd notion that the rest of the world thinks America’s military is somehow in decline. That despite the fact that we’ve invaded multiple countries over the past two decades and despite the fact that U.S. military bases are scattered across the globe like McDonalds franchises.

His effort to describe each weapon system was comical in the extreme (Trump really loves the F-35 which he continues to insist is actually invisible) but the really ridiculous part came when he said this:


So there is Donald Trump, the cartoonish failed businessman, failed mail order steak salesman, for-profit college con artist, failed professional football team owner, successful reality TV host, and WWE hall of fame inductee explaining how he’s building nuclear submarines and “reassuring” everyone with a clearly improvised inshallah moment.

That, after firing his Secretary of State and replacing H.R. McMaster with a raving lunatic in John Bolton.

I just want to underscore how precarious this is by reminding you that this is the same Donald Trump who not so long ago was making videos like this:


How safe do you feel?

You’re further reminded that this is the same person who last summer suggested that America should increase its nuclear arsenal “tenfold”, prompting then Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to call him a “fucking moron.”

And on that note, we’ll let you relive the Tillerson “moron” fiasco via our post from October, which seems suddenly relevant again.


From “Trump Wanted Cartoonish ‘Tenfold’ Increase In Nuclear Arsenal, Leading Tillerson To Call Him A Moron”

Oh good. Now we know what led Rex Tillerson to call Trump a moron, and it is just as hilarious and simultaneously disconcerting as you probably imagined it would be.

For anyone who somehow missed it, NBC reported last week that Rex Tillerson had become exasperated with Trump over the summer and, apparently at wit’s end, called the President a “f*&%ing moron” within earshot of more than a few people. Those people talked to NBC whose story reportedly threw Trump into a blind rage and prompted the White House to instruct Tillerson to hold an impromptu press conference to “refute” the “rumor.” Of course Tillerson, when asked directly if he called the President a “moron”, said this:

Right. So he called him a moron. Got it.

Well, fast forward to Tuesday and Trump was out challenging Tillerson to an IQ test, which the President assured Forbes he would win. Realizing how absurd that was, Forbes made it into a banner:


Yes, “in his own words.” Mensa as since offered to sponsor the “event.” “American Mensa would be happy to hold a testing session for President Trump and Secretary Tillerson,” Charles Brown, the group’s communications director, told The Hill.

So that brings us to Wednesday morning and NBC is out telling you what started the whole thing. As it turns out, Tillerson called Trump a “moron” after the President suggested he wanted to see a cartoonish “tenfold” increase in America’s nuclear arsenal.

No, really. Here’s more:

President Trump said he wanted what amounted to a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal during a gathering this past summer of the nation’s highest ranking national security leaders, according to three officials who were in the room.

Trump’s comments, the officials said, came in response to a briefing slide he was shown that charted the steady reduction of U.S. nuclear weapons since the late 1960s. Trump indicated he wanted a bigger stockpile, not the bottom position on that downward-sloping curve.


The July 20 meeting was described as a lengthy and sometimes tense review of worldwide U.S. forces and operations. It was soon after the meeting broke up that officials who remained behind heard Tillerson say that Trump is a “moron.”

Ok, so just let that sink in. Donald Trump was shown a simple line chart of America’s nuclear arsenal and because he didn’t want to be the President who was sitting “at the bottom position on that downward-sloping curve,” he apparently suggested that we ramp it up tenfold.

Again, let that sink in. Donald Trump tried to make a decision to exponentially increase America’s nuclear arsenal (which, by the way, he commands) because he didn’t like the look of a chart. NBC goes on:

The president’s comments during the Pentagon meeting in July came in response to a chart shown during the meeting on the history of the U.S. and Russia’s nuclear capabilities that showed America’s stockpile at its peak in the late 1960s, the officials said. Some officials present said they did not take Trump’s desire for more nuclear weapons to be literally instructing the military to increase the actual numbers. But his comments raised questions about his familiarity with the nuclear posture and other issues, officials said.

Yes, his comments “raised questions about his familiarity with the nuclear posture and other issues” where “other issues” means that if you are suggesting a tenfold increase in the nuclear arsenal based on one slide in a PowerPoint, there’s reason to ask if you are competent enough to understand any “issues.”

And it got worse. This has already been reported, but since NBC mentions it again, it’s worth repeating. The meeting described above came just one day after Trump shocked his national security team by telling the military to fire the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan whose advice he compared “to that of a New York restaurant consultant whose poor judgment cost a business valuable time and money.”

So yeah. Moron. Mentally deranged dotard. And also the President of the United States, in charge of a nuclear weapons arsenal that, if he had his way, would be ten times larger.



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8 thoughts on “Trump: I’m Creating ‘Powerful Nuclear Force’ And ‘Praise Be To God’ I Don’t Have To Use It

  1. One must wonder whether those of the base who wear their membership pin so proudly just don’t care about the risks of nuclear and conventional war that Trump and his mentally impaired posse are speedily driving us to. Do they not care about their own inevitable destruction? if not their own, do they not care about the destruction of their families or that of other Americans? Is it possible that the great majority of them are nihilists?

    For the Iraq war, this is the same crowd that cost our country and it’s families the lives of approximately 4000 young men and women and to sustain approximately 40,000 war injuries with varying degrees of disabilities. Often I heard their answer to that to be that the dead wounded volunteered and signed up for it! These courageous basers many of whom never saw a war they didn’t like and would never leave their keyboards during the last decade will send everyone else without a blink!

    Recall, the long term effects of the Iraq war will be pervasive for medical care treatment of injured veterans and loss of their earnings at market value. Of the $14+ trillion national debt of the United States, nearly one trillion dollars or 7.5%% was the direct and explicit cost of the Iraq war. And Trump treats the veterans like he treats his women! Need I say more?

      1. Your point of massive iraqi civilian and miltary deaths and injuries is well known and well taken, yet I omitted those facts from my post as I took as a given that the base membership wouldn’t give consideration to such losses since, “hey, they are all radical muslims!”

  2. Of course President Orange Idjit doesn’t use the word “the” – the Ruskies don’t have it in their vocabulary. Next thing President nit-twit will stop using the word “a”, as in “I’m a big F-up.”

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