John Dowd Resigns Because Trump Refuses To Listen To Him On Mueller Probe

Remember John Dowd?

You know, that would be the same John Dowd who just last weekend said he’s “praying” that Rod Rosenstein shuts down the Robert Mueller probe?

And also the same John Dowd who was forced to figuratively fall on his sword after Trump effectively tweeted out an admission to obstructing justice in December.


And the same John Dowd who subsequently said this:

The President cannot obstruct justice.

Yeah, well John has resigned, according to the New York Times.

Hilariously, the reason John decided he had to resign is because Trump won’t fucking listen to him when it comes to whether it’s a good idea to do an interview with Robert Mueller. To wit, from The Times:

Mr. Dowd, who took over the president’s legal team last summer, had considered leaving several times in recent months and ultimately concluded that Mr. Trump was increasingly ignoring his advice, one of the people said. Mr. Trump has insisted he should sit for an interview with the special counsel’s office, even though Mr. Dowd believed it was a bad idea.

For once, we’d have to agree with John because as we’ve said on more occasions than we can count, putting a “very stable genius” in the same room with a “very aggressive prosecutor” is an absolutely terrible idea. And here’s why (from a previous post):

As a reminder, Trump’s attorneys and confidants have been wary of allowing the President to sit for an interview with the special counsel because, just to be brutally honest, Trump is a moron, is prone to hyperbole, exaggeration, and in some cases, outright lying. That sets up the potential for him to accidentally commit a crime during the interview in addition to the crimes he’s being interviewed about, a comically ridiculous situation befitting of a comically ridiculous president.

Oh, and don’t forget this tweet from “all” of 11 days ago?…


Go ahead and laugh because it sure as hell is funny.

Happy trails to John Dowd and as for Trump, well, here’s one more excerpt from the Times’ article:

It is not clear who will take over the legal team.

We’ve got an idea: maybe Trump should represent himself! That would be a “tremendous” idea and hell, he can’t possibly do a worse job than Michael Cohen.


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