It’s Time To Make Rolling Back 71 Years Of Progress On Global Trade Great Again!
Early on Sunday, I started to write a piece about global trade and it ended up morphing into a long-winded rant on the extent to which conservatism is an antiquated ideology that is increasingly incompatible with modernity.
When I started that post, my initial goal was to communicate how insane it looks to large swaths of the public when the people who are elected to look out of for the public good end up making policy that, by virtue of a misguided belief in ideals that are out of touch with t
In trade negotiations that have evolved over 71 years – is there any position left beyond – “trade war”? Especially if you are on the stronger end of the negotiations – which the US isn’t. We progressively, step by step – sold our manufacturing economy to Asia decades ago. If China turns into to a manufacturing version of Seinfeld’s “Soup Nazi – a no more soup for you exporter, it is a very ignorant and or stupid assumption that the US is in any position manufacturing wise, to offset Asian imports suddenly or even for decades. Even if we could somehow divorce our economy from Asian manufacturers – especially most of our electronics and tools – the shift in cost (of up to 10x) of US or European goods sold to US consumers, services industries and light manufacturing – would produce another economic depression. Not a recession, but a depression.
“We progressively, step by step — sold our manufacturing economy to Asia decades ago.” What do we as a country have to show for it? Debt has increased from under $1 trillion in the early 1980’s to over $20 Trillion some 37 years later… Things as a whole as much worse off fiscally as compared to the early 1980’s.
Extreme wealth distribution in this country was caused by the financial profit from the globalization of trade and enshrined by the Fed’s crushing of interest rates to affirm the wealth created. Bringing back some activity to this country will lead to a shortage of labor (good for labor) and an increase 8n inflation which will collapse the asset values that underly the abnormal wealth distribution. Point is by paying $15 more for a washing machine or keeping your old one a little longer you will start the unraveling of a system that gutted the very heartland of this country. Go Trump!
great points. thanks!
We should all embrace collectivism and for go individualism because global corporations, central banks,governments, kings and queens clearly know what is best for us. NOT!
I have to side with Dugger in this standoff.
How about a simple look at changing times, growth of this country, massive improvements, space and sea exploration, development, population, food production and safety, medical expansions and research and life extensions — that ain’t free. Increases have been due to wars, weather, population explosion — decreases in cost for TV’s, calculators, computers.
1980 How much was the first personal computer?
IBM priced its initial IBM PC at $1,565, and that was a relatively steep price in those days, worth about $5,000 today, give or take a few hundred dollars. In the US in 1981 that was about the cost of a decent used car.
So, the value of money over 38 years — $180 in 1980 had the same buying power of $578 does now.
A new home 1980 average $68,700, car $7200, gas 1.19, bread .50, hamburger .99; wages $19,500.
Just a few fun facts and here’s a fun little tool: https://www.dollartimes.com/inflation/inflation.php?
Keep in mind since trump clearly does not – America does not own this planet. We must fit into the puzzle. A little give and take and a fair game. His arrogant stomping around in Switzerland, braggart bullshit, does not help America. The sooner he leaves the WH, the better it will be!
Ok but at what cost are you willing to accept and say that you are sorry for saddling all of this debt on to your children and your children’s children only so you can have a $ 300.00 flat screen?
At some point a future generation will have to pay for our excesses.
But hey no worries
I can only be responsible for my debt and any that is passed on to my children. I actually have no debt. I worked hard and paid cash for all vehicles I purchased, paid off my home 10 years early at a low interest rate too, use 2 credit cards during each month and pay the total charged before the bill even comes to me — when I get the bill in the mail, my balance is zero and a full page of charges is attached and was paid to them before the bill was generated. I pay monthly rent on this damned apartment which it is not worth – in advance of the due date. I learned from my father how not to waste my money on interest for using credit. I hope I have successfully passed that on to my children – I don’t ask them, it is not my business, but if they need anything, they know the bank is open
btw, my flat screen was about $500 and I paid cash on sale at Target.
I accepted any financial burdens put upon me by prior generations and did not complain. You learn about how they lived and what it cost them and I was thankful my new generation had it better than they did…as do our future generations. I have no guilt and wish them well. I certainly did not vote for trump so they cannot hold that against me either!
Also, another btw, it was interesting that you used terms “kings and queens” in your other post below Konghaakon’s post. The King of Norway was Haakon – konghaakon translates to King Haakon.