David Stockman: Here’s Why This Time Is Different
By David Stockman as originally published on Contra Corner and reprinted here with permission
All bets are off regarding conventional forecasts of the economic and financial future because central bankers have gone bonkers ever since the 2008 financial crisis. Their insane balance sheet eruptions have thoroughly obliterated all of the traditional relationships between Economy and Finance. The two are now virtually disconnected, suspended in their own separate silos.
Stated differently,�
Wow! RIP the world economy. Folks get some physical gold and silver door stops (wealth preservation), some good PM stocks (future investment) because the ride is going to be epic. Don’t buy ANY paper PM’s they will be worthless because they are oversold 100 times, good luck trying to collect your physical product. Stay very nimble and get out of as much debt as you can as fast as you can. Be safe.