How Long Can This Last? Survey Says…

We're in the "sweet spot" - it's "Goldilocks"- it's "have your synchronized global growth cake and eat your ongoing central bank accommodation too." [Feel free to create your own fun description of the prevailing risk-friendly environment.] The idea that a synchronous upturn in global growth accompanied by still-subdued DM inflation justifies "rational exuberance" in markets has become so ubiquitous that it found its way into the Friday installment of Jim Cramer's Mad Money. This is the narrat

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4 thoughts on “How Long Can This Last? Survey Says…

  1. It would be useful to see this data going back to 2005-2009 (or farther). Part of the problem with people’s short memories is most data goes back no more than five years, which is now post the last great shock leading into the recession.

  2. Just because bubbles are not talked about on MSM financial channels means they don’t exist. There is an alt-universe that won’t talk about debt that has permeated the entire planet. Head in the sand, rosy pictures of markets going up, up up and ZERO accountability. Central banks ready to print more if needed, what a joke this whole thing is not any kind of real market were you are rewarded for growing a company with the realization of trying to do something for your workers, your community any yourself.

    It’s who can I con today.

  3. Seems like it will be awhile because Sharon has a few friends who recently found out how to make more money on B.C. than on equities.

    Oh well, it ain’t over till the Fat Lady sings and BTW, if RM III comes bearing gifts before the holidays… just sayin’.

    When greed overtakes stupity, there is no end of protestations.

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