Trump Does The Unthinkable: Openly Backs Roy Moore In Predawn Twitter Post

It's starting to seem like Donald Trump feels he has nothing to lose. After a weekend that saw the President incriminate himself (thereby compelling John Dowd to fall on his sword), renew his assault on the FBI, and encourage Americans to sue ABC news for sparking a short-lived stock selloff, Trump was up early on Monday endorsing Roy Moore on Twitter: Moore has fallen behind in Alabama's December 12 special election following a wave of allegations that collectively paint a disturbing pictur

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5 thoughts on “Trump Does The Unthinkable: Openly Backs Roy Moore In Predawn Twitter Post

  1. What’s unthinkable about this? Trump has never had moral authority (except in the eyes of his deranged supporters). What is unthinkable is that there’s a fair portion of this country’s population that gives a pass to silly little things like pedophilia (or uninvited genital grabbing, for that matter). What degree of rationalization is required for these behaviors, for cryin’ out loud?

  2. I find it hard to believe that the majority of the people who call themselves a Republican accept this type of behavior from the people who are elected to office, starting at the top, the President of the United States! I do believe that a large percentage of Americans are fed up with the whole mess of them and many feel overwhelmed by the travesty that a cretin such as trump was allowed to move into the WH and even more disgusted by the unbalanced support of Republicans who know he is a lying cheat! Really outrageous!

    Don’t just sit and bitch about it — demand from the elected members of government from each of your states to clean it up – do what they were elected to do for YOU – do not allow them to continue in office. Every chance you have, in each election, remove them from office. Your vote is how they got into office and your vote is how they will be removed from office.

    The people who will vote in Alabama have total control of who they elect. This is a perfect opportunity to tell these lying cheating perverted politicians that we are fed up.

  3. Deny, deny, deny and say your innocent even when your hand is coming out of the cookie jar with a cookie in it. Someone else made me do it so it’s their fault. That really wasn’t my voice on the ‘Access Hollywood Tape”even though I already apologized for it. The republicans who think all democrats are the evil despots that conservatives make them out to be are literally brainwashed.

    Trump and Moore are just the latest version and the end result of republican Faux news, Limbaugh, Info Wars, Levin, Nordquist, the Nixon dirty tricks crowd, Citizens United and any fool willing to stand in front of a mic and lie for money which is NEVER in short supply. Day in and day out 24/7 this sh*t is spewed on ” good Americans” who blame other “good Americans” for their station in life. Divide and conquer and it has worked because we have been maneuvered into a total “debt wet dream”. Whoever controls the $$$$ controls the game, period.

    Welcome to the new world order. Death and taxes, your goddamn right.

    1. Curt, don’t loose faith … you have the right to demand better and the power to change everything!

      Get the names and websites and email addresses for your state’s representatives and tell them every single week how you feel and what you want. You pay taxes – the government runs on your taxes. Demand your money be spent to effect a change in our country! Do Not accept less than honorable candidates! Encourage everyone you know to do the same thing! We all can do this!


  4. have to hand it to Pelosi for inviting Conyers to resign. The fact-set is a little different, including the record of settled claims, but she wasted no time to do the right thing and I can’t say that about the GOP aside from a few half baked, half assed acknowledgments of the claimants.

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