Meltdown: Trump Binge Tweets On Comey, Flynn As Lawyer Takes Fall For Saturday ‘Sloppiness’

I need you to get into my bank account, withdraw $5 million, and put it in a duffle bag with a fake mustache and a bucket of chicken. That's Alec Baldwin's Trump giving instructions to Kate McKinnon's Kellyanne Conway on SNL last night, and what's funny is that these Cold Opens are starting to approximate reality almost in real time. Because just hours before that sketch ran, Donald Trump (the real one) was busy trying to tweet-splain a previous tweet in which appeared to implicate himself in

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7 thoughts on “Meltdown: Trump Binge Tweets On Comey, Flynn As Lawyer Takes Fall For Saturday ‘Sloppiness’

  1. Wouldn’t it be nice!
    …an today is only Sunday.
    as per Kris, “Sunday morning coming down.”

    Yeah it would be like that if he remembered Saturday night tweet and watched SNL
    Closest Watcher

  2. Why is everyone ASSUMING that james comey is a truth teller ??? Comey is a liar and a leaker who was out to take revenge on Donald Trump especially after he was fired. It is not difficult to see that comey lied numerous times before congress in connection with his investigation [ call it “MATTER” or whatever ] of hillary rodham clinton. Comey’s allegation that Donald Trump asked him to drop the flynn investigation is a lie to begin with.

    1. Well Sir or Miss or even Mrs. Anonymous the lying stuff about only the people you loathe or disagree with is tired weak sh*t. Bring some reality to this fight or go home. So you want me to believe EVERYONE involved in THIS case against your client “The Liar in Chief” of the United States of America is lying, making this all up, ALL of it ? Pleading guilty of crimes against the country is “fake” somehow PLEEEEEEASE, go read and watch something anything other Info Wars and your beloved FAUX News.