Michael Flynn Said To Be Cooperating With Robert Mueller
Michael Flynn is in trouble. I assume you know that.
The man who famously rallied Trump supporters around the "lock her up" chant and who in September of 2016 told NBC that "when you are given immunity it probably means you’ve committed a crime" only to himself ask for immunity just six months later, is in the cross hairs of Robert Mueller who, according to multiple reports, now has enough evidence for an indictment.
Flynn is implicated in a litany of shenanigans, not the least of which is a
The only thing that is strong about Flynn is the odor of fear. This is soooo much fun.
Flynn is going to vomit all over trump — he will be the guy who has the info that will put trump in jail.
You are right, this is soooo much fun!!
“Be strong” were Nixon’s last words before impeachment slapped him up side his head.
I am buying heavy into popcorn futures…..and readying a Champagne sale for my wine shop. Bring it on, Mr. Mueller!
They’ll never get Teflon Don. He will be all ‘No habla engles’ and get away with it.
Don might not get jail, but he will likely loose the family business which he thought would grow with him as president. This is a classic Faustian over-reach. The Trump brand is crashing and burning. The best that the entire Trump mob can hope for at this point, is that Putin will continue to buy apartments in Trump’s non-US buildings (if there are any left with his name on them.)
Here in Ecuador, the American expats joke about saying, “No fumar ingles.” (“I don’t smoke English”, if you’re wondering).
huh? I guess I don’t ‘get it’ — what’s the joke?
I absolutely REFUSE to give up on jail time. No one on earth deserves it more — he is so guilty! I chant LOCK HIM UP with my coffee each morning (at least in my head, I do)! And for icing on the cake, I hope the pee tape comes out too! hahaha!