Today Is Donald Trump’s Anniversary And Here’s How Global Markets And ‘So-Called’ Bond Traders Have Treated Him

Listen, I don't know if you know this or not, but Donald Trump won the presidency a year ago. That's one of those under-the-radar type of events that the #fakenews tries not to report. Incredibly, not many people know Trump is President.   For instance, late last month Sean Hannity accidentally called Hillary Clinton "President Clinton."   See? That's how deep this conspiracy runs. Not even Trump's surroga

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8 thoughts on “Today Is Donald Trump’s Anniversary And Here’s How Global Markets And ‘So-Called’ Bond Traders Have Treated Him

  1. “If a society is brought low because of the failure of its leader, we ought to ask why our society didn’t breed a better leader.”

    Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859)
    Historian, political scientist and inspiration for the Tocqueville Gold Fund

    1. Morning all from Singapore… Listen up about Trump’s new Asia pivot.

      So, trump preferred what Japan’s Abe treated him to…The cheeseburger and coke for $10

      Which is all the hugely indebted Japanese Finance Ministry could afford, luckily as it turns out.

      As reports now say that, subsequent to his successive meals in Japan and Korea, Trump gave the nuclear codes to the burger-munching Samurai warriors, then told Kim Jong-un he can strike those kimchi-eating south koreans without any fear of retaliation.

  2. I’m sure the deplorables he refers to are what’s referred to “today” as his base. Back then it was the base + people who didn’t know any better or were deluded. Today the base is comprised of a whole a different story.

    “A grinning picture featuring at least two people that will probably be in prison by the time 2020 rolls around.”

    Interesting question as to which two will probably be in prison by the time 2020 rolls around or should go to prison by that time.

    I’d like to see what Miller and Bannon have to say under oath and find it odd as to why they have not been questioned by the committees to date.

    1. I bet they both are on Mueller’s list of suspects. From what I have read and deduced, Mueller is working his way towards trump and those two pieces of trash are almost shoulder to shoulder with Kushner, who will probably be the last before trump. I am glad to see his trusty body guard (Keith whatever) is on the list and will soon be questioned! That one knows more than many and best be very careful with the truths or he will have a cell reserved for lying!

      1. Unfortunately, Keith Schiller looks to be a guy who thinks of himself as a G. Gordon Liddy, type. They’ll be lucky if he goes them his name, rank and serial number. But who knows. Here’s his bio from wiki: Another Trump under-skilled hire at the White House, where Trump appointed him: Director of Oval Office Operations.

        From Cop to body guard to White House Director of Oval Office Operations, whatever that means.

  3. He has been with trump for more than 20 years – that covers a lot of wives and deals – he is trump’s most trusted friend and may actually be the only real friend trump has — He has been described as “one of Trump’s most loyal and trusted aides” and “a constant presence at Trump’s side for nearly two decades.”

    Trump probably loves him for his big tough guy attitude, busting down doors as a narc officer, experience in wire tapping (uh huh). He was always at the campaign rallies and did not hesitate to get in someone’s face and threaten them – he actually did hit someone I recall – trump loved it.

    When trump moved into the WH and FBI objected to Keith being “in the way” and trump wanted him close to him so he appointed him in the Oval Office Operations position. He even went with Kushner to a meeting in Iraq probably because Kushner was a bit afraid or Ivanka was! No one is closer to trump than this pin head! He has seen and heard it ALL.

    That is why I said he better mind his truths or he will end up in prison for lying. He also may be the only person truly loyal to trump! I think it was at least a week ago I read that Mueller said Keith would be called to answer questions – bet that made trump really nervous and pissed!

    1. P.S. I assume we all saw how protective and loyal trump was (NOT) to Keith when Kelly removed him. Once Keith was severed off the hip of assface and sent packing – trump was silent on it. Then poor Keith could not find work anywhere close to what he was being overpaid by trump for too many years….wonder what kind of work he found in Florida? Like trump, I also really don’t care.

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