Where Was Papadopoulos? ‘Low Level’ George Represented Trump Campaign Multiple Times

I probably don’t need to tell you this, but Donald Trump is lying about former campaign adviser-turned Mueller cooperating witness George Papadopoulos.

Papadopoulos has become an unlikely poster child for the Mueller probe after Monday’s biggest news with regard to the Trump-Russia investigation turned out not to be the Manafort/Gates indictments, but rather the bombshell revelation that a former campaign adviser secretly pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI on October 5.

That campaign adviser was, as Trump calls him, “a low level volunteer named George.”


“Low level” or not, Papadopoulos talked a lot about Russians and he did that both in the presence of folks like Jeff Sessions and also on e-mail chains with Sam Clovis and, it turns out, Carter Page.

Oh, and it doesn’t help that Donald Trump literally had a #MAGA poster made that shows him sitting just a couple of chairs down from George:


Trump now claims he doesn’t remember that meeting, despite his recent contention that he has “one of the great memories of all time”:

Of course the problem here for Trump – I mean besides the fact that Mueller has a cooperating witness which is just about the worst news imaginable – is that “low-level” Papadopoulos “popped” up all over the damn place in the lead-up to the election including, hilariously, on a American Jewish Committee panel discussion with none other than Bob Corker:


Even funnier than the fact that George (seated on the far left) was on a panel discussion with the GOP Senator who has become a thorn in Trump’s (engorged) side, is the fact that the event shown in that picture was called “Defining America’s Role in Global Affairs.” You can’t make this shit up.

Apparently, Corker gave the introductory speech and then left, according to a spokesman for the Tennessee Senator who spoke to NBC.

But that’s not the only place Papadopoulos popped up.

As NBC goes on to note in the piece linked above, “in late September, just six weeks before Election Day, he gave an interview as a Trump campaign official to the Russian Interfax News Agency, where he said that Trump will ‘restore the trust’ between the U.S. and Russia'” and then about four months later, “he met with Israeli leaders during the inauguration as a foreign policy adviser for the newly-sworn in president.”

And you can bet that’s not the end of it. Every journalist in America who doesn’t work for Fox is going to playing “Where [Was] Waldo” over the next several months.

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3 thoughts on “Where Was Papadopoulos? ‘Low Level’ George Represented Trump Campaign Multiple Times

  1. H!
    Would there be any chance that you might want to give some clarity as to why our choices came down to,the Clinton dynasty or the Trump????
    This I believe is a serious question.

    1. Clinton: because that’s how shit works. entrenched members of the political aristocracy eventually get their shot. fair or not.

      Trump: because Americans are fucking idiots. it’s the same reason why people watch professional wrestling and amusingly, Trump is in the WWE hall of fame (literally)

  2. The answer to that would be of course, greed. Our national media gave millions and millions in free press to Trump in the hopes of creating a horse race, which they did.

    The main reason for these dis-functional choices is own broken political system which is a corporate run money laden way too long process. We must get all corporate $$$ out of our political system and shorten the time drastically of our elections.

    That would be a good start.

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