Sanders, Sekulow Play Defense: No Plans To Fire Mueller, No Pardons, This Will All Be Over Soon
Ok, so as noted earlier, Donald Trump has three options at this point in light of the indictments that came down this morning against Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.
The first (and most prudent) option would be to just shut up and work behind the scenes via attorneys to stymie this thing for as long as possible and hope that it either fades away or else lasts three goddamn years at which point the President could simply choose not to run again. Obviously, Trump won't go that route because he n
Slick Willy walked, O.J. walked, 1000 unscrupulous wall street bankers walked…….Trump will too.
Willy walked on what, cheating on his wife? Too many men have done the same thing. OJ ended up in prison and if he doesn’t keep it clean, he will be back in prison. Bankers and Enron and so many other cases – yeah, shameless but they lost in other ways. Trump will not walk away clean. Either he will be indicted for treason or collusion at best (!) or he has tarnished his “brand” that he was so proud of or he will die in unresolved shame. He is a Loser.
BTW, were you on VCM in ’71?