Trump: War Widow Is Wrong Because ‘I Have One Of The Great Memories Of All-Time’

You know Donald Trump has a “good brain”, right?

I mean, that should be abundantly clear by all of the smart things he’s done during his 487 years as President (we’re going by what it feels like).

But in case it wasn’t clear, just remember that he said as much when asked by someone who “bleeds badly from the face” at parties:


There you go.

And because one’s memory is pretty much by definition part of one’s brain, then Trump’s “g-g-g-ood brain” must mean that his memory is also “g-g-g-ood.”

That, by extension, means it’s entirely possible that Myeshia Johnson just isn’t remembering her call with the President correctly.

Here’s Trump to tell you that underneath that rusty Brillo pad he wears on his head is “one of the great memories of all time” and also note how it seems to be completely lost on him that “I had a chart in front of me” actually underscores the notion that he didn’t know the name of  Myeshia’s husband.



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2 thoughts on “Trump: War Widow Is Wrong Because ‘I Have One Of The Great Memories Of All-Time’

  1. I think the left and the DNC (not the same thing) should stop with the nonsense about the widow phone call – which is a side show of a side show of a side show. Get on to the real issues with Trump – start getting to the bottom of how he and his heirs are profiting from this gig – or does that come too close to home?

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