Trey Gowdy And Devin Nunes Really, (Really!) Want You To Focus More On Uranium And Hillary And Less On Trump

Ok, so obviously no one takes Trey Gowdy seriously. You know that right? I certainly hope so. If there were a dictionary entry for "despicable dip-shit", his picture would be next to it. Same goes for Devin Nunes, who earlier this year compromised his integrity so badly that he's become a standing joke to anyone who closely follows developments inside the Beltway.   But that's just the thing. Trump's base doesn't follow developments closely and if they do, they get their information fro

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13 thoughts on “Trey Gowdy And Devin Nunes Really, (Really!) Want You To Focus More On Uranium And Hillary And Less On Trump

  1. trump deflecting away from this pesky treason thing……..kinda like when my dog gets in the flower bed and before he can trample the posies I yell Squirrel and he immediately jumps out & runs away to look for that elusive squirrel 🙂

        1. Many pages, long sentences, big words, really pretty graphs, bar charts and bubble charts, and finally the conclusion. Looks like Breitbart group (et al) spent a whole bunch of money and focused on spinning any story into negative propaganda against Clinton, lots of it and spreading it as far and wide as possible; celebrating when the serious media picked it up and hashed it over, spit it out and moved on, until more crap caught their eye and again it got into legitimate media until it was dead and this cycle continued for more than a year, adding more negative, even flat out lies that took a grip of some folks because of the salacious grime … a seriously hard case of dirty politics.

          The really interesting part of the Harvard study was the incredible number of media sources they glommed information from and how that was tallied and projected into reliable data. Amazing amount of work! And it boils down to disgusting Dirty Politics.

          I don’t watch and don’t care what Hannity has to say. Him and people like him are part of the problem. They fuel the conspiracy bug that controls trump’s few cerebral cells.

          1. No one has to spread “propaganda” about the Clintons..all one has to do is cite facts…would you like a laundry list? from those that proved deadly, injurious to our nations well being..or just ruined the lives of those who exposed Bill, for instance, of the kind of slovenly, low rent conduct that is part of his permanent makeup?

            If you’d like to relive the murderous assault on Waco by good ol Bill and Janet Reno I’d be pleased to oblige…Or maybe Hillary and her incessant lobbying and bullying of Bill and Barrack concerning Serbia and Libya.. both actions that each President have cited as the worst mistakes of their Presidencies….

            Oh yeah..and how about this for the incessant Trump haters here…we are stuck with that miscreant on the bottom of our collective psyches for God knows how long because Democrats chose to run the Queen Grifter against him. A woman who measures her ethic by her capacity to squeeze money out of any enterprise she fouls.

          2. Some points I learned from the Harvard study:
            1. The center right online media is nonexistent- WSJ and The Hill -that’s about it, and they are not that big.
            2. The center of gravity of the left is the center left – WaPo, NYT. The asymmetry is pretty stark.
            3. Right Twitter references are even more right wing
            4. Right Facebook references are even further right than right Twitter references. There are some ultra far right media outlets that I have never heard of that displace Fox.
            5. The Breitbart dominance on the right is amazing. I knew it was big, but I had no idea how big.
            6. Immigration and Muslims were the two dominant issues of media stories on the campaign. It’s no wonder that Flake will not run again.
            7. ZeroHedge was on the far right, but I hope that the HR will also make the next Harvard hairball plot.

      1. Several things before you attempt to whitewash this episode….

        The article clearly states that there are some real problems with disclosure about who was doing what….which leads me to what I believe is a critical issue…

        What is someone doing serving as Secretary of State..a position in which critical decisions concerning weapons sales and availability to foreign nations are made…when that same person has close connections (some of which are familial) with a VERY high powered Foundation that receives monies from those related to or identical to those same weapons beneficiaries???????

  2. Note to Mr. Heisenberg;
    I like to eat my crow with a lot of Tabasco sauce.

    Keep up the good work Mr. Pinelli. It’s highly doubtful any of us will ever argue these liberal lemmings into seeing reality, but once justice is finally served, (and it appears that the pendulum is slowly swinging the other way), they will at least have to ponder their next delusional justification for what has transpired. (Think election outcome). Slow learners… You know, for self-proclaimed intellectuals. So sad…

    1. the difference between Greg and you (at least based on your comments) is that Greg has a knack for adding actual value to a discussion even when I don’t agree with hardly anything he says.

      you, on the other hand, add no value. ironically then, it isn’t Heisenberg that should be taking his cues from Mr. Pinelli, it’s you.

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