Trump Designates Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps A Terrorist Organization

Just to be clear: Donald Trump is inviting disaster with his decision on Iran. We've outlined this extensively over the past several days and for those interested in the background and details, you're encouraged to read our post from Friday morning (which includes a good Op-Ed) as well as the following pieces: John Kerry: If Trump Backs Out Of Iran Deal, It Will Be Washington, Not Tehran That’s Isolated Trump To Declare Iran Deal Not In America’s Interests, Setting Stage For Epic

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7 thoughts on “Trump Designates Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps A Terrorist Organization

  1. There are hundreds of qualified intelligent exceptional leaders in our government who are standing by and watching this fucking moron who knows absolutely nothing about managing our government, our military, our healthcare system, our finance industry, our educational programs, our environmental controls, our justice systems, and whatever else I am forgetting at this moment. At some point soon, he will do or say something that will cause death and/or destruction to Americans somewhere in the world.

    At what point will someone step up and stop this insane ridiculous man?

    1. Being incompetent and short sighted doesn’t qualify one as either insane or a psychopath (they are NOT the same)..if you have a case to make then make it intelligently. If you need help read my post below….

  2. There’s no greater blunder in Foreign Affairs for a great power than impulsiveness. One can only hope Congress will correct this latest bit of Presidential ego strutting, but it may not. Here are the consequences…

    1. Iran now has a free pass to be as intractable as it wishes on the nuclear has effectively divided the US from traditional supporters and mollified the Iranian militant base that also thought the deal wasn’t good.

    2. The ballistic missile questions presented and opportunity for the US to
    make Iran more of a Regional Business Partner and less of an enemy. That could have worked to US advantage against Russia and re-emerging Turkish
    power. Time will show the the Iranians would have been much easier to deal with than the Turks.

    Guess where current Iranian missile capabilities received their initial technical expertise and support….No. Korea.

    3. Knowing realities and naming names are 2 very different that the President was adolescent enough to label the IRGC don’t be surprised if they make a major play to hook up with No. Korea and obtain a fully loaded tactical nuclear arsenal. Kimbo will have his first real customer.

    4. The IRGC is not unlike the Reich’s SS…ideologically pure, ruthless and politically connected. They are also the strongest driving economic power in Iran. They rule the businesses that counts…arms and oil.

    This move will also embolden No. Korea…Trump had backed Kimbo into a corner and had him very worried. He just opened a huge door unnecessarily.
    If I were Tillerson or Mattis I’d head for the exit….whatever “strategy” they may have had as a working team has been put to the lie. There is no helping someone this self-important and arrogant.

  3. Wow- glad I stopped by here and read this. The market reports I read earlier on this indicated Trump had stopped short of labelling the IRG a “terrorist” organization. The reports I saw didn’t mention that Treasury added them to the OFAC list – which is pretty close to slapping on a terrorist org. label; actually that they aided/supported terrorist activities is the allegation of course.

    The other interesting, if minor, point is in that memo from the Treasury where they refer to “Hizballah” I had to look that up and learned that while the most common reference is actually “Hezbollah,” the use of Hizballah is a lesser used translation. Learn something every day! Kind of odd though, because it seems as if most spell check editing programs would have changed it to the commonly recognized spelling – so someone consciously used the obscure version.

  4. The details and justification in Trumps speech of Irans history, are almost word for word, identical to two articles in yesterdays Bannon might be out of the WH, but he’s certainly not out of the loop.

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