Read: Here Is The Complete Republican Tax Plan

Ok, here it is.

Below, find the “official” (I guess) 9-page document laying out the GOP/Trump tax reform plan that will be unveiled by the White House and congressional Republicans later today.

While it’s certainly a step up from what we got in April (i.e. the bullet point, big font, wide margined, double-spaced, one-pager that looked like it walked out of a high schooler’s Trapper Keeper), I’m not sure it counts as “comprehensive.”

Additionally, do note that there’s a long ways to go here before this can be voted on.

Parse it and decide for yourself how “bigly” and/or “phenomenal” it is…

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2 thoughts on “Read: Here Is The Complete Republican Tax Plan

  1. “…how “bigly” and/or “phenomenal” it is…” I can even read that without my glasses! Spaced out nicely. Short paragraphs. Few words. Most pages half blank. Sorry, not comprehensive enough to distract me from counting the number of times the word “framework” was used. A phenomenal 34 times.

  2. Hell, this ain’t worth wasting the time it will cause to be used to perpetuate and burst the budget bubble.

    Try and herd 535 cats to the table.


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