Twitter Forced To Explain Why They’re Letting Trump Start A Nuclear War

Just when you thought it couldn't possibly get anymore absurd, it invariably does. So as you know, North Korea’s Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said on Monday that Donald Trump has effectively "declared war" on Pyongyang. That was apparently a reference to this tweet: Of course that tweet was itself a response to Ri, who last week said it was all but "inevitable" that North Korea's missiles will one day be launched in the direction of the U.S. mainland. But then that was a response to Tr

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2 thoughts on “Twitter Forced To Explain Why They’re Letting Trump Start A Nuclear War

  1. Are you saying you would prefer this to happen in private?
    I do have to give your “i told you so” high marks for its finesse. But i also have to point out your still a bit premature.
    If I knew for sure it was going to happen at some point in the future (over say the next 50 years) i would say do it now.
    But i still hold out hope at some point China will reign their client state in. (Trump may or may not be helping that process, i don’t know)
    I think it beyond absurd people think this is in any way twitters fault or that its a good ideal to censor politicians.

    Great article HB. Keep them coming.

  2. It isn’t Twitters fault. It’s Twitter’s adult users’ fault. Twitter started out as a middle school social media platform and in 2010 only 8% users were adults. The majority of Twitter users now 2017 are outside the US (79%) and under 20, Those US adults that use it – use it because a middle school social media platform is where they are most intellectually comfortable. This is where Trump and his ‘true believers’ are most comfortable.

    Adult social media user intellectual resources (deficient critical thinking skills) in not detecting the con job played on them by Trump’s con artists/promoters (and Russians) on social media and the senior Republican leadership (“my interests and agenda at any price” Republicans) are why we still have an incompetent and mentally deficient President. A Republican Majority Congressional leadership that still refuses their Constitutional obligations to remove a mentally and professionally incompetent President from Office – and Democrats who are sitting back and watching Donald Trump destroy the entire credibility of the Republican Party to their benefit, but at the expense of the entire nation.

    Having two largely corporately owned political parties and their campaigns – Ds and Rs have for decades run high school popularity contests playing to the average and low intellect voters (Trump being the low point) – instead of elections with professionally vetted candidates (Presidential and Congressional) actually capable of contributing to the leadership of the country and representation of the best interests of its people.

    The bottom line is the nations corrupted political parties’ self interests are killing the nation and they might as well all be the agents of foreign enemies based on their lack of true service to the country, its future and best interests. Until we correct this dysfunctional, inept, corporate/special interests – monetized, 24/7 election industry (and associated biased political media) system – we can expect a continuing string of incompetent political party (and or foreign?) puppets and a nation with no competent leadership. Sooner than later, it is inevitable that another power will use our nations’ political corrupt election system weaknesses to gain control of the country from the top down – that is if they haven’t already.

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