U.S. Seeks Oil Embargo On North Korea, Freeze Of Kim’s Assets: Draft Resolution

It looks like the Trump administration is going to push the "nuclear" option re: North Korea. No, not that nuclear option. As almost every "expert" you care to consult will tell you, the last resort - well, short of actually invading the North or bombing Pyongyang - when it comes to curbing Kim's nuclear ambitions is to cut off his supply of oil. This "option" isn't really an "option" as far as Beijing's concerned. The issue here is that taking that step would likely create a humanitarian cr

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2 thoughts on “U.S. Seeks Oil Embargo On North Korea, Freeze Of Kim’s Assets: Draft Resolution

  1. Bad idea unless you wish to make the innocents suffer interminably. Doubt that Russia, China and Iran will cooperate. They might say they will but then in reality behind the curtain they won’t. They all hate US, understandably.

  2. There are no “good” solutions to this issue (NK nuclearization and the eventual building of tradeable weapons). Any agreement by China to withhold oil from NK will only hold until the price t China becomes uncomfortable..and that will happen quickly. South Korea doesn’t want a preemptive strike and Japan (rightly) fears it will get caught up in the crossfire. The solution?
    The Korean Peninsula offers us nothing strategically. At some point Japan and China will hash out just who is the kingpin of the Sea of Japan and the East China
    Sea is..good..they can also work out who gets to spend a trillion dollars over the next 10 years defending and keeping open the Straits of Malacca.
    South Korea (and Japan) will lose their favored trade agreements and we can take the mega billions we don’t spend on defending them and build Texas (and maybe Florida…OUR PEOPLE.
    China can then figure out what the solution to NK is…or not. So what?

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