Euro Spikes To January 2015 High As Draghi Speaks At Jackson Hole

Right, so when you think about Draghi's remarks at Jackson Hole, don't forget how the context has morphed over the past couple of weeks. After WSJ tipped Draghi's speech back in July, the assumption was he'd take the opportunity to telegraph something about the wind down of QE and that was of course all kinds of bullish for the euro. Apparently dissatisfied with the setup, the ECB subsequently threw cold water on things with a leak to Reuters, who earlier this month reported that Draghi would

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One thought on “Euro Spikes To January 2015 High As Draghi Speaks At Jackson Hole

  1. The central banks of the world are in total denial about ….well…..everything. They have screwed-up the whole planet and now with every $ they print and every over priced piece of crap they buy both on and OFF the books we sink further and further into the abyss.

    These rigged markets infused with gargantuan amounts of DEBT will have to implode sooner rather than later and some reset must occur. Seriously does anyone believe any of these “debt bombs” will be repaid? The problem is that this reset will be engineered by the same fools who made this mess in the first place. Remember who benefits and who doesn’t, take a wild guess.

    It is the $$$$ is speech billionaires and their lackey pol’s who keep them in power from behind the scenes or RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. This is the “status quo” or the “new world order” or the “stick it up your a**” crowd and they will keep this “scene from Dante” going until their is nothing left but a few scraps for the rest of us to fight over.

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