Trump Pre-Blames ‘Mitch M’ For U.S. Default, Then Tweets Picture Of Himself ‘Eclipsing’ Obama

Wake up America!

Donald Trump is servin’ up the “covfefe” on Thursday morning and that shit is pipin’ hot.

He got started on a relatively subdued note (for him), by simply trying to deflect blame for the looming debt ceiling debacle.

Everyone knew this was coming. It still doesn’t seem to have occurred to Trump that if he ever wants to get anything done, Twitter-shaming Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan is certainly not the way to go about it:


Having gotten that out of the way, Trump moved on to retweet a homemade four-pane depicting him as a bright orange sun and Obama as a grayscale moon.

The image is accompanied by this caption: “the best eclipse ever!

And yes, I am serious:


This is absurd for all kinds of reasons (for one thing, it doesn’t seem like Trump understands what was moving in front of what during the eclipse), but once you get over how utterly ridiculous it is that a sitting President would be spending even a second of his time retweeting something like this given the laundry list of extremely serious issues on his plate, do note that there are racial overtones there (real or imagined) and you can bet someone in the media will point them out.

And he wasn’t done.

He also offered an explanation for why he seems to be waging an internal war with himself or, more poignantly, why it seems like he’s struggling with a kind of Dr. POTUS and Mr. Donald dynamic:


Memo to the President: it’s not so much that anyone is “complaining about it,” it’s more that we’re all worried it’s further evidence to support the contention that an egotistical geriatric in the early stages of dementia is running around with the launch codes.

And the fact that he misspelled “there” doesn’t help either.




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3 thoughts on “Trump Pre-Blames ‘Mitch M’ For U.S. Default, Then Tweets Picture Of Himself ‘Eclipsing’ Obama

  1. We know he is a horrible and pathetic example of a man in all ways to define a man. Simple use of the English language, vocabulary and spelling common words really shows how illiterate this man is. Shamefully illiterate. Then he stands in front of crowds of people, thumps his forehead and brags about having attended better schools and having a better education than others is enormously laughable!

    – Murphy

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