Freudian Retweet: Trump Retweets Man Calling Him A Fascist

Update: Mike drops mic, walks off stage.... ******************* Oh, boy. Donald Trump is up early on Tuesday and he's working on new initiatives to "Make America Great Again" and pondering how to heal a divided nation. Just kidding. He's retweeting Fox & Friends. But this morning, it looks like he might have screwed up. A Fox story ran on Monday with the headline: "Trump 'seriously considering' a pardon for ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio." Here are the first couple of paragraphs: President

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7 thoughts on “Freudian Retweet: Trump Retweets Man Calling Him A Fascist

  1. Unless, of course, these tweets are another round of not so subtle messages to his non-deteriorating criminal and terrorist demographic: haters, fascists, racists and murderers.

    1. Marty, that was my first thought! and then I said to myself — ‘self, get a grip – he is not smart enough to even think to do that – don’t go nutz!’ and now, maybe I am not nutz! OR you are also nutz! 🙂

      – Murphy

  2. More concerning perhaps is the Republican Congress’s assumption that their constituents fail to notice that they continue support a mentally incompetent President with white supremacist/Nazi fascist leanings – for their political and personal gain and completely at the general public’s expense and the national loss of credibility. We will look back on the Trump Administration as the removal of any global doubt of the US’s decline from any role in global leadership.

    One thing I learned over the years, is that whatever a politician promises – you can expect the opposite. Whether it’s the – “I am not a crook” crookedness of Nixon, the lack of affordability of Obama’s Affordable Care Act, or the absurd lack of “greatness” of Trump “Making America Great Again.” Clearly, a “grab’em by the pussy,” KKK associated Trump family, Russian colluding, and a Nazi fascist leaning Donald Trump can’t come close to making himself “great” and consequently has zero ability to lead our nation to greatness. This will continue – as long as a Rep. Congress continues to vacillate in removing this sorry, mentally and intellectually incompetent Trump person from the White House.

  3. D. – as usual I agree with you, this time 99% agree with you. I am only one of the millions and millions of people who love Obama and I just have to make one comment about your statement of the ObamaCare affordability and linking him into the group of politicians who “do the opposite of what they say”… he really does not deserve that assignment – the good of ‘his healthcare bill’ far outweighs the bad – again, millions of people can attest to that as truth. It is not his fault the insurance companies and some physicians take advantage of the public and he cannot control them. If the current ‘waste of space president’ were worth even a smidgen of Obama’s legacy, he would work to fix the deficiencies and continue the good ObamaCare has done! His jealousy and ignorance and ego/hate prevents him and his GOP asses from accepting his healthcare bill and improving upon it – for the good of the Nation that needs it so badly.

    My final thought and then I will shut the hell up — Mr. Obama is a good man, an honest man, who worked miracles in improving our economy during his Presidency and it just kills me to see his name in the same sentence as Nixon and Trump. 🙂

    – Murphy

  4. Dugger, I submit Trump has more than white supremacist/Nazi fascist **leanings.**

    Trump is for all intents and purposes a white supremacist/neo-Nazi. I say that for the same reason that the law holds the driver of a getaway car responsible for murder when his partner kills the 7/11 clerk while grabbing the cash from the register.

    Trump is the head of the Executive Branch of our Federal government, Commander-in-Chief, and he’s duty bound to take care that federal criminal laws be faithfully executed and enforced against members of groups like the White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis, KKK, etc., who have historically violated criminal laws by committing murders, lynchings, church arsons, armed robberies and blowing up a federal building. When Trump emboldens such groups by letting them know they have a friend in the WH, he thereby supports them. When he in no uncertain terms telegraphs he is one of them, that he has their back, that makes Trump one of them. Trump is an aider and abetter of such groups because he encourages them and lends support to and acts in concert with these hate groups.

    This country has a sordid history of white supremacists and the KKK working together with paramilitary organizations and paramilitary groups hooking up with government to deprive blacks of their right to vote or from running for office by committing such acts as murder, arson, rape and intimidation. And for those who think that history ceased after the 19th century, here’s a bit of recent news:

    And don’t think Trump would be the first racist president: In 1912, the Republican Party (today’s Democrats) had been gutted by the disenfranchisement of African Americans, who were largely excluded from voting. Democrat Woodrow Wilson (today’s Republican) was elected as the first southern President since 1856. During his first term, Wilson satisfied the request of Southerners in his cabinet and instituted overt racial segregation throughout federal government workplaces, as well as racial discrimination in hiring.

    When the population is asleep at the wheel, we end up in a car wreck of biblical proportions. America needs to wake up before its too late.

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